Category Archives: Primary 3

P3/4 & P4 Fairtrade Cluster Event

Miss Rodford and I were very proud of our classes today at theFairtrade Cluster Event at the Lanthorn. Everyone was a great ambassador of Bankton Primary School and listened carefully to every presentation and sang along to the songs. A special thanks to Samantha, Jamie, Josh for talking about their posters and class activities as well as to Niamh for introducing our song.

P3/4 – Fun in the snow class updates

Hi boys and girls.  I’ve been one happy teacher this week.  You’ve kept me up-to-date with all your snow stories and

I’ve really appreciated all the photos that I’ve received and then able to share them with our classmates. You truly a remarkable bunch of kids!!

Niamh, Alex, Casey and Jack wanted to share their snow news with us.

Niamh got stuck in a snow avalanche – oh dear!

Alex’s cool pyramid

Alex posing with his sister

Casey sledging

Casey’s fab unicorn structure

Jack having fun in the snow with his brother. Your igloo is fab!


Mrs Sinclair


P3/4 & P4 – Suggested Activities

Miss Rodford and I are busy planning exciting activities for next week.  Here are a few links for our class topic if you having a break from playing in the snow.

Maths Links

Literacy Links



Mrs Sinclair & Miss Rodford

P3/4 and P/4 World Book Day


Just in case you get fed up playing in the snow.  Some book day activities you can try!

You can use your own reading book or a book from home.

  • Create a character profile (picture enclosed)

  • Make your own book (picture enclosed)
  • Share a story (picture enclosed)

If you’d like to leave a comment  about your book day activity I’d love to see and read them.

Here is the link to the World Book Day and you can find other activities on there !!



Mrs Sinclair

P3 Snow days

Hey P3,
Hope you are all enjoying the snow!
Couple of things you can be doing to keep learning:
1- help shovel the drive, but be safe!
2- make a snowman and measure the height
3- practice your times tables and division (in particular the 4 times table)
4- draw out and colour different fractions, remember the bottom number is the total number of parts!!
5- write me a story about anything you want! Try to have a beginning, middle and ending!

See you all soon, we will finish up the bread experiment when we get back!!!

Mr. H