A busy week in Primary One

This week, we have been really busy working on our reading skills! Miss Rodford has been impressed with our blending skills!

We have also been working on our spelling skills and been practising blending three letter words!

We have also been revising our number facts for 6 and 7 and learning to count and write numbers up to 17!

On Thursday, we started a science investigation and we wanted to find out if plants would grow differently in different places or without certian things like water or soil.  We all made super predictions about the beans …

‘I think the bean which has soil, water and sunlight will grow because it has all the things it needs to grow’ – Hannah

‘I think the bean without water won’t grow becsue plants need water to survive’ – Rosie


Mathematicians and Scientists in P1/2!

This week P1/2 have enjoyed revising their number stories of 6 and 7.  The boys and girls have been practising working independently and have been impressing Mrs Lloyd!

We also planned out a science experiment to explore seeds being grown in different conditions.  We planted five seeds and predicted which seeds will grow and which ones wont.  We have some of the seeds in the dark in the cupboard and some of the seeds are on the window ledge – some will be watered and some will not be watered.  We are going to keep an eye on these to see which of our predictions are correct.

Finally, thank you again to Chloe Snape’s gran who kindly gave up her time to come and read to some of the boys and girls in P1/2.  The children throughly enjoy hearing stories and learning new vocabulary from the stories and we really appreciate you coming in to work with us.