Primary 7 at Bankton This Week

The Primary Sevens have had a very productive week continuing their WW2 project.

We have made Anderson Shelters – Well Done Cassie, Emma and Liam who had the winning model.



It was a hard decision for Mrs Stewart and Mrs Murdoch as all of the models were excellent!!  Look out for them on display in school.

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We have also been learning about Morse code, and have been trying very hard to decipher messages by listening to the beeps and dashes, which has proven to be very difficult!     .-/…     -.–/—/..-      -.-./.-/-.       …/./.

We have been looking at the different types of aircraft used in WW2 and investigated the markings on the planes.  Did you know that the Spitfire can fly at 584 km/h!!!  Amazing!

We even found some time for some war time baking!



As well as all of this the P7 have been a great help to Mrs Stewart, Alex and the Nursery to P3 classes with all of the help they have offered them!  So much so, we won the goblet of good manners this week!!  Great job!!!

We finished the week with a film quiz!  Won by Steven, Katie and Stephanie – with full marks no less!!!  And a bit of well deserved R&R with a film and pop corn!!



P4 Write Their Own Growth Mindset Statements

In Language this week P4 have been learning how an author uses statements, questions and exclamation marks to create interest when reading. We used our knowledge of this to write our own Growth Mindset statements. The challenge was to include at least one statement, one question and one exclamation mark. Here are some of them below….


Mistakes are good! I can always learn more. Learning is good. I can’t do this….YET! I keep trying. Did you know this means I have a Growth Mindset?

By Jack and Coben


A Growth Mindset is when you never give up. Do you have a Growth Mindset? I can’t do it YET!

By Zoe and Alfie


Do you give up easily? Why do you give up? Never give up! Always add a YET!

By Carlos and Josh



P6 Fundraising

This Monday to Friday, seven girls from P6 are raising money for Cancer Research. They will be painting nails, creating a range of hairstyles and selling temporary tattoos! All money raised will help people with Breast Cancer. Watch this space for more information….




This week we have had lots of fun practicing handball.  We have played lots of different little games to improve our skills, and we even had a few secondary school students in to help us.  We also had fun starting a weaving project for our castle topic.  Liam found this very hard, while Aiden did quite well at it!  Carla found it quite easy and she is excited to do more.  We had fun picking out information for our posters, although some of us found this to be very time consuming.  The posters are looking great.  Fractions have been coming along very well in maths with a few children even calling it ‘easy’.  Lastly Chloe McFarlane was our star of the week for being very helpful to others, well done Chloe!

A fun week in P1a

This week, P1a have been learning all about the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’.

We found out the Gingerbread man was a bit naughty because he kept running away from everyone!

We talked about our favourite parts of the story …

‘I liked the chicken and the dog’ Pooja

I liked it when the fox ate the gingerbread man’ Jack B

We all made a Gingerbread man and decorated him using buttons, chalk and string.

P1a also wrote a story about the Gingerbread man! Miss Rodford thought that they were super.  We had to remember our fingers spaces, full stops and capital letters.

In maths, we have been learning about our number stories to 7.

Mrs Stewart also came to speak to us about her new baby Grandson! We thought about all the things a baby needs when it is small.

To help Jack from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ , we planted some beans and over the next few weeks we will be watching them grow !IMG_1336[1] IMG_1393[1] IMG_1370[1]IMG_1393[1]IMG_1378[1]IMG_1371[1]IMG_1388[1]IMG_1396[1]IMG_1365[1]IMG_1337[1]IMG_1374[1]




This morning some nursery children went to feed the ducks at the Lanthorn Pond


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We then walked round the pond and are beginning to notice the different birds.

The children noticed the new play park which we will continue to keep an eye on.

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