Tag Archives: Class O

Class 2

Class 2 are pleased to be back at school after the Easter break.
Cody and Jamie: It’s nice to see all our friends. Aiden has got a “stookie” on. That is a Scottish word for plaster cast. He broke his arm during the holidays. Dylan:The wedding was good and we went to the Italian restaurant. I missed the Golden Club event but today I had my own special egg hunt. Caitlin: I am getting really good at swimming.  Liam: We have new choose charts.

We are sad that Miss Waddell will not be working in our class so much but we are pleased that Mrs Henderson has come back after having her baby and she will be in Class 2 on Mondays, Tuesdays and some Fridays. Miss Cameron will be in on Wednesdays, Thursdays and some Fridays. That is good news too.

On Wednesday (30th) some children in Class 2 and some children in Class 1 are going to Mill Farm.We learned this week -FACT-all food comes from plants 0r animals.

We played a game to sort the foods. We had think about some foods then decide if they were  plant or animal. Some were tricky for example pasta. It comes from a plant but it is not a pasta plant. Do you know what plant pasta comes from?

In sensory room we tried food that come from a cow. -FACT- food that comes from a cow are called dairy products. How many dairy products can you name? Look at our table did you choose any we tasted.

Class 2’s first week of 2014

Happy New year!
We listened to a song called “Time for another year”.  http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/time-another-year Then we talked about how a year can be divided up.

Aiden: seasons (4), Cody:months (12), Liam: weeks (52) and  Dylan: days (365 or 366 ). Jamie named the 4 seasons and the 12 months. Can you name the seasons and months? Do you know why Dylan gave two answers?

P.E time has moved to a Tuesday morning. This week we played The Clapping Game, Captains Coming, and Cat and  Mouse.

Caitlin returned to school this week and on Friday we had a birthday party in Class 2 to celebrate her birthday. This was our second birthday party of the week. Aiden also had a birthday party.  Aiden’s party was on Tuesday because his  birthday was during the Christmas holidays. We had party games, dancing and party food.

This week Class 2 were looking at commas in lists. Can you find any commas in our blog?

Look at the picture of  our party food. You could write a sentence, please include a comma.

Class 2 Out and About

Class 2 have been learning in different places this week. We were very successful in transferring our learning from Class 2 to new places. On Tuesday Aiden, Dylan and Mrs Clark joined some of the people from Class 3 to learn in the Cafe. Liam was able to share his musical talents with the children in Class 1. On Thursday we joined lots of children from Balbardie at the Regal Theatre and we were a quality audience at the Aladdin pantomime. On Tuesday Caitlin joined Class 2 and 3 for breakfast. Mr Welsh also joined in the meal.

Dylan- I went to my Christmas party in the hall on Monday. I won the corners game. I felt very pleased.

My favourite part in Aladdin was when the police were chasing Wishy Washy and Aladdin.

Aiden- Aladdin was awesome. Wishy Washy went next to Miss Robertson and he thinks she is beautiful.

Cody -At my party on Wednesday I got a present from a special visitor.

Liam- I had music with Mrs Inness. It was good.

Caitlin – I am feeling fine. I am looking forward to returning to school.

Class 2

In class 2 we have been learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam. Every Muslim has five duties to perform
Jamie:There is one God
Aiden:Pray 5 times a day.
Cody:Muslims have special prayer mats, we made some it was hard to remember not to put pictures of living things on the mats we made today.
We were proud of Dylan. He got the assembly certificate for writing about a famous Scot called Robert Burns. If you see Dylan you can ask him about Robert Burns.
Liam used all his coloured pencils at the same time, to make a rainbow for the Wizard of Oz float competition. Here are some of our entries for the float competition.

Aiden worked collaboratively with some children in p4g to make this time machine.

Time Machine

The new cushions in the class library seem to be a good addition.

Class 2 enjoy the new cushion in the class library.

Class 2

We have been looking at how to keep safe on the internet. If you want to know more here is a link for Hector’s World. http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/5_7/hectorsworld/
We started reading the owl who was afraid of the dark. Plop, the main character in the story, found out about fireworks so we also have been learning about fireworks. We used WOW words when we explained to Plop what we now know.

Two weeks into science and fun!

Hello parents and pupils! After the Easter Holidays we had two wonderful weeks! The work and behaviour all children have demonstrated has been amazing! We are all happy to have Miss Robertson in our team adding to our team work!
We were really into push and pull forces last week. We had so much fun playing ‘tug of war’ and learning to congratulate the winning team, accept the fact that we can lose in a game and try harder the next time. We have also been creative making our own swings!
This week we have been small researchers! We have done our research on items that can be attracted by magnets and today it was the first time that we had the chance to shoot during basketball activities. Everybody was just great with excellent basketball skills! Mr Jeffries is doing a fantastic job with our small athletes!
More news coming next week! Have a nice weekend everybody!