Category Archives: P2


Another busy week of learning in p2A.  For our European Day of languages we looked at famous French landmarks and made super Sleeping Beauty castle drawings from Disneyland Paris.  We really liked watching the firework show there. We learned our colours and numbers to 10 in French too.

Thank you to everyone who made MacMillan Coffee morning a success 🙂

Kieran-I liked playing musical statues in PE

Grace-I liked doing my review jotter this week

Willow-I liked my reading book-Frisky and the Ducks

Aidan-I really liked drawing the castle

Bailey-I liked the bubble game

Robyn-I liked learning about digital time

Brooke-I liked playing new games in PE

Georgia-Playing with my friends was fun this week

Lucy-I liked our group work in PE

Devyn-I liked playing digital maths bingo

Mason-The coffee morning was fun

William-The coffee morning was great fun!

Michaela-I enjoyed writing about my favourite toy, my bike!

Ethan-I liked buying my toys at the coffee morning

Daniel-Writing about my favourite toy was fun

Tommy-Thinking about what I find difficult in my review jotter was fun but tricky

Reminder: Please book a slot online for your child’s parents night evening, many thanks.


This week P2b have been reviewing the sound ‘oy’, practicing number bonds to 10, working on sequencing stories and writing about our homes.

This week’s Big Star was Daisy; well done Daisy!

Here are P2b’s favourite bits of this week.


Oliver – Pick up a pair,. You had to add up to ten and get the numbers partner.

Kai – Learning about growth mind set

Daisy – Being big star because I got to choose a little star.

Anna – Doing Jack and the Beanstalk. I liked that story. I liked that when the Giant was going down the Beanstalk, Jack cut down the beanstalk and he’ll never see the giant again.

Ethan – Growth mind set and fixed mind set. When you’ve got a growth mind set you always try your best.

Isla – Pick up a pair. We had to find the numbers that made 10.

Jack – Growth mind set because we got to know about if you give up you’ll have a fixed mind set.

Sophie – My favourite thing was when I helped people and held the door.

Sofia – Being little star on Wednesday because we got the beanbags.

Hollie – Writing about our houses with Mrs Laidlaw.

Hannah – My favourite part was doing the Jack and the Beanstalk cut and stick, I liked that one.

Lois – Doing Jack and the Beanstalk trying to put them together.

Thomas – Playing the cards game.

Murray – Jack and the Beanstalk cutting out the story and putting it in the right order.

Ben – Jack and the Beanstalk cutting and sticking in the right order.

Mikolaj – Jack and the Beanstalk


*Next Wednesday we have European Day of Languages in which children can dress up wearing the colours of a European country’s flag!*


Miss Cowan


P2B have had a very busy week! It was Maths Week throughout Scotland this week and so the class completed a variety of fun activities and had a visit from Money Sense.

This week’s Big Star was Oliver!

Thank you to all the parents who came to Meet the Teacher, it was lovely to get a chance to meet you all.

Kai and Daisy also recieved certificates at assembly this week. Kai was awarded his for excellent work during Maths Week. Daisy was awarded her certificate for fulfilling the school value of “Believe” by challenging herself when given a choice of different work. Well done to both of you!


Here are the children’s top bits from this week:

Kai – Making our hand-print crabs, I liked it because we got to paint our hands.

Hope – Making jellyfish. We painted a paper bowl and put strips of tissue paper under the bowl.

Sophie – I liked making turtles with our hands because we got to paint onto our hands and it tickled.

Lois – Doing dot-to-dot to practice the order the numbers come in.

Murray – I liked dot-to-dot today because I got to practice the numbers.

Hannah – My favourite part was doing dot-to-dot. I did a bunny one.

Isla – I liked pushing the toy cars down the ramp.

Oliver  – Maths. I liked doing rainbows adding up to 10.

Ethan – I liked being the little star yesterday.

Jack – When we were doing the fish. We coloured in paper plates with 10 on them and coloured little fish with numbers adding up to 10.

Thomas – Being little star today.

Hollie – Making necklaces. I made mine for my Mum and my Dad. I used orange, yellow, purple, red, blue and green.

Daisy – My favourite part of the week was doing our necklaces.

Anna – My favourite part was necklaces. I used red, yellow and orange.

Ben – The handprints when we painted on our hands because it was tickly and I got to make a turtle and when we were doing our work it was quiet. And I liked it when we got goody bags with the pens and the wallets. That’s me done.


Miss Cowan


This week we had Maths Week and we had fun doing all of our activities.  Wwew made 2D shape monsters, 3D shape towers and were really fortunate to have Marc from MoneySense working with us on a money workshop.

Grace-I liked counting up to 200

Willow-I liked making our 2D shape monsters

Bailey-Counting up to 20 was fun

William-Making 3D shapes was great fun

Ethan-Practising my numbers up to 100 challenged me

Robyn-Adding was fun this week

Georgia-Playing the bubble game in PE was great fun

Brooke-I enjoyed writing about a sea monster

Mason-Making my monster was great

Aidan-Shape monster making was my favourite

Logan-I was proud to get my maths excellence certificate

Michaela-I like having different teachers

Tommy-Shape making was fun to do with my friends

Devyn-Golden Time is my favourite activity

Daniel-PE this week was fun, I love the bubble game

Lucy-I really liked PE this week and playing hedgehog tig

Well done to Willow and Logan for getting their certificates this week-Miss McDougall is proud of her whole class.

Have a lovely September holiday 🙂



This week in P2B we have been learning to work-out the missing number in a sum, have learned the sounds ‘ew’ and ‘ow’ in spelling and and have been learning about different animal families.

This week’s big star was Isla and we also had a birthday girl too. Hannah and Anna were chosen to show their great work to the deputy heads this week – well done girls, keep it up!

Another good week for P2B, see you all on Monday.


Here are the children’s favourite parts of this week.:

Jack – when we were doing the sums on the whiteboards.

Kai – Writing yesterday about our favourite toys, mine is Stretch Armstrong.

Daisy – Learning about all the different animals. We learned about fish, birds and mammals.

Lois – My favourite part of the week was all playing together in the playground.

Hope – Doing the under the sea. Learning about the animals.

Oliver – I liked maths, I liked doing the missing number in the sums.

Anna – My birthday!! I was six. I liked going to the head to show my work too. I showed my doll head story.

Ethan – I liked doing the missing number squares. It was difficult a wee bit difficult but I kept going.

Isla – My favourite bit was doing under the sea.

Sophie – My favourite bit was circle time and maths too.

Sofia – I liked the missing number in maths.

Murray – I liked the missing numbers.

Hannah – Going to the head teacher to show my good work.

Mikolaj – My spelling

Hollie – Writing about my LOL doll.

Thomas – Gym doing hula hoop games.

From Miss Cowan


We have been busy learning our br, cr sounds this week and have been enjoying all of our spelling activities.

Here are our highlights from our week…

Kieran-I have really enjoyed getting a Headteacher and Depute sticker for my hard work

Grace-I enjoyed reading this week

Willow-I liked my adding up

Tommy-I loved getting to outstanding and playing with Aidan

Bailey-I practised my adding this week

Georgia-I loved getting my stickers this week

Mason-I loved my takeaway sums

William-I enjoyed my writing

Brooke-I liked PE games this week

Ethan-Playing with my friends was a highlight

Lucy-I liked writing about an underwater adventure

Devyn-I made new friends this week

Amelia-I like reading in the Cosy Corner

Daniel-Playing the Bubble game was good fun

Michaela-I liked being helpful in class

Robyn-I liked my homework and playing this week

Aidan-I liked playing maths games with Tommy

Money week is next week, have fun playing with the activities 🙂





This week P2B have been learning adding in numeracy, the sound ‘igh’ in spelling and have discovered lots about under the sea. Our Big Star this week was Mikolaj!

Here are everyone’s favourite parts from throughout the week.


Hannah – my favourite thing has been painting the animals in the different zones of under the sea. My favourite one is a whale shark.

Hollie – my favourite thing has been reading Monty and the Ghost train. I like that book; I like the end bit when Titch sees a monster.

Kai – My favourite thing has been doing maths. We have been learning adding numbers.

Oliver – I’ve liked learning about not throwing rubbish into the sea because it can hurt the animals. The turtles and the whales and the seahorses can get hurt.

Daisy – Learning about all the different ocean zones; the sunlight zone, the twilight zone and the midnight zone.

Hope – I’ve liked learning the under the sea zones.

Sophie – I’ve liked learning about sea animals. We were learning about not putting rubbish in the sea or the sea animals will get hurt.

Anna – My favourite thing was when we learned about where the sea animals live. The turtle lives in the sunlight zone. The angler fish and the blob fish live in the midnight zone.

Lois – I’ve liked learning this week and doing maths.

Sofia – My favourite thing was painting. We learned about and painted the different zones of the ocean. My picture had a starfish on it.

Isla – My favourite thing this week has been learning to not drop rubbish in the sea so that the animals don’t get hurt and the turtles don’t eat the rubbish.

Ethan – my favourite thing was the teacher picking out names in the jar for the talking partners and being the little star with Mikolaj.

Mikolaj –My  favourite thing this week has been maths.

Murray – My favourite thing has been maths and learning adding the numbers.

Jack – I liked maths when we were using the whiteboards to do our sums.

Thomas – My favourite thing was painting the different parts of the sea and the animals.

Ben – I’ve liked drawing the midnight zone and sticking animals on.

P2A’s week

We have had a very busy week learning in P2A.  Here are some of our highlights…

Kieran- I liked playing the games outside for Outdoor PE

Grace- I had fun playing head, shoulders, knees and cones with Mr Jeffries in PE

Daniel-The Bubble game was awesome!

Tommy-I liked playing with Aidan at Golden Time

William-Tunnel Tig was my favourite this week

Willow-In writing we wrote about what we are looking forward to in P2, I am looking forward to doing exciting PE

Devyn-I liked writing in my review jotter

Georgia-Mental maths was fun this week

Robyn-Writing this week was fun

Lucy-I am pleased I am now on stage 5 books

Brooke-I loved mental maths games

Michaela-I had a fantastic lunch this week 🙂

Aidan-Playing with Toomy at Lego was great fun

Amelia-I had great playtimes this week

Ethan-Playing with my friends was good fun!

Mason-I liked showing Mr McCabe my good work

Logan-I liked playing on the tablet in class, practising my maths

Bailey-I loved playing with my friends



Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Shannon: I liked P3C’s assembly.

Aileigh: I liked writing postcards pretending we were in Africa.

Jack: I enjoyed P3C’s assembly and writing postcards.

Megan: I enjoyed Big Writing.

Ada: I enjoyed the silver event.

River: I enjoyed P3C’s assembly because they were singing ‘I want my mummy’.

Holly: I enjoyed play time and lunch time because I got to play with my best friends.

Alex: I enjoyed lunch time because I got to play with my best friend Aaron.

James: I enjoyed lunch time because I got to play with my friend Megan.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Ellis: I enjoyed the silver event because I got to play in the soft play and it was very fun.

Emily: I enjoyed the silver event.

Max: I enjoyed play time because I got to play with Jack and I think our friendship will never die.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because we got a new book called ‘Rescue at sea’.

Aaron: I enjoyed lunch time because it’s my favourite part of the day. I love to play with my friends Olivia, River and Alex.

Carley: I enjoyed the silver event because it was a soft play area and the best part about it was that I got to play with my best friend Ellis.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


*Please remember to return all reading books and library books next week. Thank you. *


Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Megan: I enjoyed maths.

James: I enjoyed mental maths.

Ellis: I enjoyed the P6 assembly even though I didn’t understand much of it.

Holly: I enjoyed maths because we were multiplying.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing a postcard and it is amazing.

Mac: I enjoyed reading because it’s fun.

Ethan: I enjoyed R.E. because I got to make a lantern and design a henna tattoo.

Jack: I enjoyed the P6 assembly because it was about energy. I also enjoyed maths because I was learning my times table and I am good at them.

Amber: I enjoyed designing a henna tattoo because I drew a flower in the middle of it and coloured in the nails.

Mia: I enjoyed the P6 assembly because I liked the dances.

Aileigh: I enjoyed playtime because I got to play with all of my lovely friends.

Carley: I enjoyed maths because I was learning my times tables but I think I need a bit more practise.

Emily: I enjoyed my sister’s assembly because it was fun.

Have a great weekend everyone.



Here are some of the things we have enjoyed about our week …


Evie- I enjoyed learning about alliteration in writing.

Reiss- I enjoyed moving on day because we got to make hands with our names on it.

Ava- I enjoyed moving on day because our teacher is very nice and I enjoyed making the hands.

Gracie- I enjoyed reading because it has some new tricky words.

Kyle- I enjoyed making hands in Mrs Ghafoor’s class because it was good making my own design.

Marcus- I enjoyed meeting new students in our new class and meeting my new teacher.

Noah- I enjoyed telling my new teacher my name and other things.

Maksim- I enjoyed meeting my teacher and enjoyed telling her about myself.

Matthias- I enjoyed our review jotters because we were writing about our new class.

Kaiden- I enjoyed learning about remainders in division.

Josh- I enjoyed meeting my new teacher.

Jacob- I enjoyed making my hand in my new class.

Lewis- I enjoyed moving on day and telling my teacher my name.

Emma- I enjoyed maths and writing.

Caitlin- I enjoyed reading.

Zara- I enjoyed writing because it was fun.

Rose- I enjoyed maths.

Taylor- I enjoyed reading.

Max- I enjoyed Moving on day.

Hamish- I enjoyed going to meet our new teacher and telling her things about ourselves.

Lily- I enjoyed meeting everyone in my new class.


Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Dojo winner- Max

Pupil of the Week- Noah


Hi everyone!

We couldn’t upload our picture from our assembly last week so we have posted it above for you to see 🙂

Here are some of the things we have enjoyed most this week in school…

Jacob – I enjoyed reading and writing.

Taylor- I enjoyed golden time.

Gracie- I enjoyed reading my new book.

Zara- I enjoyed reading and maths.

Kyle- I enjoyed writing my diary entry because I was a little bit cheeky about writing about going down the wire.

Caitlin- I enjoyed writing a diary entry and enjoyed writing about what I had for my breakfast.

Lewis- I enjoyed learning french from the French teacher and he told us all about how he is from France and travels to Spain in a car!

We hope you have a great weekend!


Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Holly: I enjoyed French because Mr Perard came to our class and taught us some new French.

Alex: I enjoyed writing my information text because I am still working on it and I have written a very good sentence.

Carley: I enjoyed French because Mr Perard was very nice.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

James: I enjoyed maths.

Shannon: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard was here because he was very kind.

Mac and Oliver: I enjoyed mental maths.

Aileigh: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came because he taught us new French words.

Amber: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came and he taught us how to say ‘Listen’ in French.

Ellis: I enjoyed milk and story because it was very fun listening to a story.

Ethan: I enjoyed mental maths and maths.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Emily: I enjoyed getting my new reading book.

Scott: I enjoyed mental maths because it was fun.

Max: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came because he said that the United Kingdom has a tunnel that trains go through to get to France.

River: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came in because he was very nice.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Amber: I enjoyed listening to Mrs Aitken talking about the procession.

Mac: I enjoyed writing our review because it was about Sports Day.

Max: I enjoyed it when we did Sports Day because I was first and I was happy.

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because we are writing about African animals.

Shannon: I enjoyed P2B’s assembly because it was about African animals.

Emily: I enjoyed Sports Day.

Jude: I enjoyed writing our non-fiction books because I was writing about my favourite animal, the lion.

Ellis: I enjoyed doing my reading comprehension.

Aaron: I enjoyed writing my non-fiction book because I was writing about my favourite animal, the meerkat.

Aileigh: I enjoyed play time because I got to play with all of my lovely friends.

Carley: I enjoyed Sports Day because my friend Jude won the race.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got to read with my friend.

James: I enjoyed P2B’s assembly because it was fun.

Enjoy the procession everyone! Take lots of photos for Miss McKinnon! 🙂



What a week we have had in P2b! Here are some of the things we enjoyed…

Maksim- I enjoyed sports day because it was really fun!

Josh- I enjoyed the assembly because I enjoyed singing the songs!

Evie- I enjoyed winning two medals for winning the races at sports day!

Gracie- I enjoyed running the races because I got to run with Mrs Palmer!

Max- I enjoyed writing about a cheetah’s diet.

Matthias- I enjoyed maths because we got to learn about capacity and pour water into different things to see how many cup fulls it took to fill up!

Noah- I enjoyed sports day because Ty cheered me on the last race!

Kaiden- I enjoyed reading because I like the story about ‘City Cat’.

Reiss- I enjoyed maths because we filled up pans, a box and a jug to see how many cups full it took.

Marcus- I enjoyed writing our review jotters all about sports day.


Table of the week-Terrific Tigers

Dojo winners- Noah and Lily


We really enjoyed performing our assembly for everyone! Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!


We really enjoyed our trip to the national museum yesterday. Thank you again to Ellis’ mum for being able to join us at such short notice! Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jack: I enjoyed going to the museum because I got to see lizards and snakes.

Jude: I enjoyed it when we touched the animal skins at the museum.

Shannon: I enjoyed the museum because it was fun.

Emily: I enjoyed going on the bus to the museum.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because I was writing about a lion. They are fierce.

Aaron: I enjoyed it on the bus because I liked looking out of the window and talking to my friend Alex.

Mia: I enjoyed going to the museum.

Max: I enjoyed going to the museum because I got to touch the nose of a saw fish, it had spikes on it.

Megan: I enjoyed the trip.

James: I enjoyed Callum being here.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the museum because my partner was my best friend Mia. I liked it when we went under the tree because we played a game.

River: I enjoyed going to the museum.

Ellis: I enjoyed seeing the giraffe and elephant.

Scott: I enjoyed seeing the fossils.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the trip because it was fun.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


P2b’s Exciting Week!

Everyone in P2b has had a very busy week.  We had our school trip to the National Museum of Scotland.  Here are some of things we enjoyed the most…

Hamish- I enjoyed designing my own African outfit.

Josh- I enjoyed going on our school trip to the museum.

Evie- I enjoyed exploring different parts of animals in the workshop at the museum.

Noah- I enjoyed exploring the space area in the museum because we got to watch a movie about space!

Maksim- I enjoyed going to the space area at the museum as I got to see how things work in space.

Rose- I enjoyed writing about our trip in our review jotters.

Lily- I enjoyed looking at all the animals in the museum.

Caitlin- I enjoyed golden time.

Matthias- I enjoyed racing against cheetahs, elephants and hippos on a bike at the museum.


Here are some pictures from our trip…..

In maths we continued with division, we are getting really good at this!

In writing we also wrote more in our information books about animals.  We wrote about their habitat which is where they live.

We also presented our animal projects which have turned out amazing! Everyone did a great job!

Pupil of the week- Matthias

Table of the week- Clever Crocodiles

Dojo winner- Hamish


Next week we have our sports day on Wednesday 30th at 10.30am at Balbardie Park.  We also have our assembly on Thursday 31st at 2.30pm, we hope to see you there!

Have a great weekend!


We have been celebrating the great learning of P2b this week by taking part in the Celebrating Success assembly.  We enjoyed performing to you all and are so proud of our achievements this year!


Maths and Numeracy

This week in maths we started learning about division.  We understand that dividing is sharing things between groups.  We managed to divide objects and numbers in equal groups and it was great fun! We started learning how to divide by sorting it into ‘groups of’ too.  We revisited length and learned that 100cm=1m, 10mm=1cm.  We had fun working in pairs measuring different things such as hair length, arm length and lots more!



In writing we have been learning about the features of an information book and have started writing our own about African animals.

In reading we are getting better at using the Literacy box and are enjoying self-assessing our work.


Learning across the Curriculum

We have started practicing for our assembly and we are so excited about it!  We love the songs and can’t wait to share it with you all in a couple of weeks.

We had our second session with Xcite where we sorted foods into the correct section of the food plate.  We also played banana tig which was great fun.


Other news

Dojo winner- Ava

Table of the week- Marvellous Monkeys.

Our class trip is on Thursday 24th May to the National Museum.  Please ensure that all children have a packed lunch and dress in comfortable clothing.  Bus will leave at 9.15am and return by 3pm.

Class assembly- 31st May @ 2.30pm



We had a lovely time celebrating our successes with you all on Tuesday; thank you to those of you who were able to join us. Miss McKinnon was very impressed with our singing, we are all very talented! Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jude: I enjoyed writing our plan for our non-fiction books.

Alex: I enjoyed maths because we are measuring length.

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because I like measuring length. It helps me learn.

Olivia: I enjoyed singing our celebration song.

Holly: I enjoyed music because we got to play the djembe drums.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Shannon: I enjoyed drumming because it’s fun.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was lots and lots of fun.

Jack: I enjoyed our celebrating success assembly and reading because we got our new book about icy cold places.

Ellis: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I had fun.

Carley: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I got to do it with Miss McKinnon.

Max: I liked it when we played the rumble on the djembe drums because it was a new thing to do.

James: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was fun.

River: I enjoyed snack time because I got to play with my friends.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Ellis: I enjoyed reading because I got to read with a partner and I had lots of fun reading with them. I also enjoyed the walk because I got to run with my friends.

Jude: I enjoyed the assembly and we learned about keeping ourselves safe.

Holly: I enjoyed Big Start because I got to read the rest of my library book.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Amber: I enjoyed reading because we got ‘The shark with no teeth.’ In the story, he tried to eat a turtle shell for his dinner and he lost all of his teeth so the other sharks laughed at him.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the library because I got my favourite book there. I also liked doing the sponsored walk.

Aileigh: I enjoyed doing the sponsored walk because it was really fun.

Ada: I enjoyed the assembly because I learned about keeping myself safe in supermarkets. I also enjoyed reading because I got ‘The shark with no teeth’ and it’s really funny.

Ethan: I enjoyed going to the library because I got a book about space and it was really cool.

James: I enjoyed going to the library because I got my favourite book, ‘Mr Big’.

Max: I liked the sponsored walk because we were given pedometers to tell us how many steps we did.

Alex: I enjoyed the city walk because I ran so fast that I did 2,240 steps.

Jack: I enjoyed the walk because I was having lots of fun. I also enjoyed the assembly because it was about keeping you safe.

Aaron: I enjoyed being on outstanding because it’s my birthday.

Have a great weekend everyone!