Another busy week of learning in p2A. For our European Day of languages we looked at famous French landmarks and made super Sleeping Beauty castle drawings from Disneyland Paris. We really liked watching the firework show there. We learned our colours and numbers to 10 in French too.
Thank you to everyone who made MacMillan Coffee morning a success
Kieran-I liked playing musical statues in PE
Grace-I liked doing my review jotter this week
Willow-I liked my reading book-Frisky and the Ducks
Aidan-I really liked drawing the castle
Bailey-I liked the bubble game
Robyn-I liked learning about digital time
Brooke-I liked playing new games in PE
Georgia-Playing with my friends was fun this week
Lucy-I liked our group work in PE
Devyn-I liked playing digital maths bingo
Mason-The coffee morning was fun
William-The coffee morning was great fun!
Michaela-I enjoyed writing about my favourite toy, my bike!
Ethan-I liked buying my toys at the coffee morning
Daniel-Writing about my favourite toy was fun
Tommy-Thinking about what I find difficult in my review jotter was fun but tricky
Reminder: Please book a slot online for your child’s parents night evening, many thanks.