Category Archives: P1a

Our Highlights This Term

What a busy first term we’ve had! Here are some of our comments we’d like to share.

I enjoy doing stations in class. – Willow, Jess, Luke B.

Making Snuggly Snerds. – Daisy

The MacMillan Coffee Morning. – Georgia and Devyn

I like playing Shark Attack with Mr Jeffries and my friends in the gym. – Michaela, Luke M, Logan, Ruaridh, Ethan, William, Hollie, Michelle and Anna

Meeting my P7 buddy. – Bailey

Reading about Mr. Big with my group.  – Hannah

Making new friends in school. – Lois

I can say the months of the year. – Robyn

Playing tig at snack time. – Sofia


Happy holidays when they come and we look forward to more fun next term!

1a – Always Active!

How? Well, we are always learning in active, fun ways. We have been active in learning our sounds, jumping hoops to sound out and spell some words, like pat, pan, pack. We have been active in our maths, building and making patterns. We are learning how patterns can use shape, colour or both together to challenge us. We’ve kept our bodies active too with PE in the gym hall with Mr Jeffries. The bubble game and tunnel tig are favourites with many of us. Did you know we have also been active in trying Cosmic Yoga meeting Popcorn and some pirates! Do you know what kind of animal Popcorn is?

We’d like to say thank you to all the family members who managed to come along and visit us in class last week during our Shared Start session. It was lovely to be tour guides in our classroom and we look forward to welcoming you along again soon.

P1 & P7 Buddy Time

We had a great time in the playground with our P7 buddies this week. Our P7 buddies had prepared some Maths Trails for us and we had to count steps, measure objects or look for 2D shapes around our outdoor space. Some of it was quite challenging. We all enjoyed being outdoors together for our maths learning as part of Maths Week. A little rainy but jackets on and off we went to have fun!


Our favourite thing about P1…….

My favourite thing about P1….

Writing about Pokémon….Jack

Learning about sharing and caring…..Justin

Doing maths and learning how to add…….Shannon

Learning about dinosaurs….Holly

Playing with friends and enjoying the fun at Golden Time….Carley

Learning how to make toast……Jude

I enjoyed playing with my friends…..Aileigh

Learning about how to wash your hands……Olivia

Learning to count to 100…..James

Doing press-ups at PE….Oliver

I liked playing with Justin outside…. Mac

I enjoyed buddy time because I liked to see my buddy…..Mia

Learning how to grow a plant…. Amber

Buddy time because you get to see your buddies…..Ada

I enjoyed Golden Time and when we went to Dynamic Earth…..River




BYYYYEEEEEEEE! Have a fabulous summer!

Have a great summer!


This week….


We learned ‘sh’ for shush in phonics.  Oliver

In phonics I learned ‘st’ as in stop.  Holly

We learned ‘mp’ as in stomp in phonics.  Alex

We played the mummy game after phonics.  James

We learned ‘ch’ as in chilli in phonics.  Shannon

I learned ‘st’ as in stomp in phonics. Jack

At PE we played with the parachute.  Carley

We learned about healthy eating.  Ellis

I watched the Jungle Book and really enjoyed it.  Justin

We did are last review in our Review Jotters.  Max

We played a ball game on the parachute.  Megan

We were counting up to 100.  Emily

We learned healthy eating.  Ada

We learned about symmetry.  Amber

I saw Jungle Book at after school club. Aaron

Eating food for healthy eating. We had strawberries and carrots and we peeled potatoes.  Olivia S

I learned the sound ‘i’ in phonics.  Aileigh

Pupil of the week:  Alex for working really hard all year and producing a very high standard of work!



Matthias – We have been learning about keeping safe and people who help us. Our parents, the police, your sister, your brother, your teacher all keep us safe and help us.
Caitlin – We have been learning about safety and how your parents can keep you safe. We looked at safe and unsafe things that babies could eat. There were pictures of cleaning sprays which were unsafe. There was a milk bottle which was safe.
Noah – We worked with a partner and looked at pictures. We had to talk about if it was safe or unsafe. There was a boy eating grapes and I thought it was unsafe as he was eating all by himself and could have choked.
Lewis – I have enjoyed doing Maths this week. I have been adding and taking away.
Max – I like learning about nature.
Reiss – I like learning about butterflies and their life cycle. They come out of their eggs and turn into a big, beautiful butterfly.
Scott – I liked when we were learning about animals in nature and insects.
Josh – I liked learning about safe and unsafe food for babies to eat.
Marcus – I liked learning about the safe and unsafe baby food too.
Kyle – I like learning in Phonics and we have less amount of people in the class and all of the work that we do.
Jacob – I like getting Dojo points and getting a prize if you get the most Dojo points you get a prize.
Gracie – I love school and I love everything about it.
Taylor – I like playtime because I get to play with my friends and eat my snack.

This week in P1a…

This week we learned…..


Behind, in front and in the middle.  Mac

We learned about healthy eating.  Ellis

We learned the sound ‘nk’ in phonics.   Mia

We looked at our targets in our review jotters.  River

We had a Teddy Bear’s picnic.  Oliver

We were learning odd and even numbers.  Emily

We learned the sound ‘nd’ in phonics.  Amber

We made symmetrical pictures by painting on one side of the page and folding it over.  Megan

I liked playing games during the Teddy Bear’s picnic and we had biscuits and crisps. Carley

I liked the Teddy Bear’s picnic when we went into the Telly Tubby Land.  Max & Aaron

We were learning about symmetry.  Alex

We were learning about our right and our left.  Ada

Yesterday we started our Summer booklets with lots of fun activities.  Jude

With Mrs Laidlaw we made flower pictures.  Olivia S

We learned about healthy eating.  Carrots are healthy.  Aileigh

We listened to stories at the Teddy Bear’s picnic.  Ed.

I enjoyed the Teddy Bear’s picnic.  Jack

I learned the sound ‘sh’.  James

Here we are with our symmetrical pictures.




Our visit to P2a…..

This week…..


I learned the sound ‘nk’ as in sunk in phonics. Jack

I learned the sound ‘igh’ as in night. Mac

We went up to the big P7 classroom while the new P1s came to visit. Oliver

We found out our new teacher and went to our P2 classroom. James

I didn’t enjoy the P2 visit because it didn’t have as many toys. Ellis

I enjoyed the Haribo game with Miss Mowat. Carley, Emily, Aaron and Aileigh

I enjoyed counting up to 100 and learning odd and even numbers. Alex

I learned the sounds, ‘ang’, ‘ing’, ‘ong’, and ‘ung’. Mia

I liked the beach ball game at Move On Day. Max

I enjoyed the art, ‘taking my pencil for a walk’. Megan

I enjoyed learning about what foods are healthy. Ada

I enjoyed the new P2a class. Amber

Sporty week in P1a

This week in P1a…………………………


I enjoyed the running race at sports day. Shannon

I learned the sound ‘ong’ in phonics. Strong! Jack

I had a raced in the house race with Carley and Jude. Hardy was the winning house! Alex

I liked sports day because of the potato and spoon race. Holly

I liked the sack race in sports day. Carley

We were learning how to count up to 100. James

I liked running laps in sports day. Max

We learned ‘ang’ as in sang. Megan

I learned a new sound in phonics ‘oa’ as in moan. River

We learned where food comes from. Ada

While I was at home sick with the chicken pox I did some painting. Amber

I played with my toys when I was home sick. Ellis

I learned the sound ‘oi’ as in coin. Aileigh

I came second in the running race. Olivia S

I enjoyed the sack race. Aaron

I counted in 2s up to 25 backwards and forwards. Jude

We learned the ‘ang’ sound as in bang. Emily

I enjoyed the sack race. Oliver

I enjoyed the running race at sports day. Mia

I enjoyed the potato and spoon race. Mac


Well done to everyone for taking part in sports day and doing their best.

Special congratulations to Jude who won gold for the P1 boys and gold for overall P1 winner, Justin who won the boys silver medal and Olivia Swan who won the girls silver medal.


Pupil of the week: Ed for working really hard at writing sentences.

Enjoy the long weekend and Gala day! Good luck to the Balbardie Float!


We have been very busy this week…in phonics we have been learning ‘oy’ and ‘ang’ and our new tricky words are does and goes.  In numeracy we are counting and ordering to 20/100.  We have been looking at repeating shape and colour patterns. In topic we have been learning about where food comes from before it gets to the supermarket – is it a plant or an animal.

We were learning oi and oy. Megan

We played dodgeball in PE. Jude

We were learning about where food comes from – plants or animals. Alex

I liked PE and dodgeball. Holly

We were learning oy in phonics. James, Aileigh & Ellis

In our phonics group we were learning ang. Ada

We were counting up to 100 in number work. Emily

We were listening to the story of The Selfish Giant in drama. Shannon

We learned a new song All About Our Senses in music.  Mia

We had to use our bodies and movement in drama to set the scene of the Selfish Giants garden. Jack

We were learning aw in phonics. Max

Here are some pictures of our ‘Show and Tell’ and today we chose someone to ask a question.

Have a lovely weekend….enjoy the sunshine.






Emma – We have been reading books in the library and visiting the book fair. I have been reading lots of books.

Caitlin – At Shared Start we share our learning with parents.

Josh – We were at a book fair and we were looking at books and we can buy them at the school office.

Matthias – We were reading books at the office and then we had to choose what book we wanted for money and we had to tell our mum and dad if we wanted a book. Then the mums and dads might say yes or no.

Jacob – We also did a wordsearch with our parents at Shared Start and we were searching for Growth Mindset words.

Matthias – Growth Mindset is saying that you can do something, and not “I can’t do this” or “This is too hard”.

Article 28: We have right to an education

A sunny week in P1a……

A sunny week in P1a

During outdoor day the P4s taught me how to play Slam. Aileigh

We played the pass the gem during outdoor day. Aaron & Amber

We got to take our bean stalks and bean diaries home. Ada

We were listening for sounds we could hear outside. Alex

The P4s taught us how to play Corners. Jack

The P4s played Piggy in the Middle with us. James

In maths we were weighing different objects. Carley

We were learning numbers to 100 and played Monster Splat! Oliver

P4s taught us how to play dodge ball. Ellis

We learned ‘qu’ in phonics. ‘qu’ is for quarry.  River

We were learning to tell the difference between ‘p’, ‘b’ and ‘d’. Mac

We painted our favourite books for the float with our buddies.   Emily

We practised out numbers to 20. Jude

We were making flowers out of tissue paper. Max

We learned how to play football with P4s. Shannon

We learned the sound ‘ew’ in phonics.   Mia

I enjoyed playing corners. Olivia S

P4 wrote instructions on how to play games and taught us how to play fun games in the playground.


Well done to everyone in P1a for a fantastic performance at our Celebrating Success assembly.

Well done to Jude, Mac, Holly, Ellis and Aaron who all received certificates.



Josh – We made flower pictures whilst printing with bottles and little foam printers
Matthias – We had to make some nice flowers
Ava – We got paint and printed them onto paper with the bottles and made flowers

Evie – We were outside doing Maths and PE and we played a game. We had to clap 3 times and guess what the other person was going to do
Matthias – The game was used in Nigeria and they don’t have any toys so they don’t need them. Someone is the leader and whoever gets the same as the leader becomes to leader. It’s like rock, paper, scissors

Caitlin – We were learning symmetry and we were saying it something was symmetrical or not by saying “yes” or “no”

Lewis – We were learning about directions
Reiss – We worked with a partner and they closed their eyes whilst we helped give them directions. They moved how many spaces that we said.

Article 18: We have the right to an education

Busy week in P1a

This week we have been very busy….

We were learning about butterflies. James

We were measuring our bean plants. Carley

We were learning how to measure with rulers. Alex

We were learning numbers to 100. Shannon

We were ordering numbers to 20 and to 100. Jack

We were measuring the length of the floor. Ada

We learned a new sound, ‘oi’ in phonics. River

We played toilet tig in outdoor PE. Megan

We did basketball bouncing in the fundraiser. Max

We measured how long the door was. Aileigh

We did floor running in the fundraiser. Olivia

We measured the table. Mia

We learned ‘ow’ as in clown. Aaron

We did week 2 of our Bean diary. Jude

We did strike jumping in the fundraiser. Amber

We did shuttle running in the fundraiser. Justin

Working really hard. Ed

We measured our bean plants.   Oliver

We did basketball bouncing in the fundraiser. Emily

We did step-ups in the fundraiser. Ellis

We have started, ‘Show and Tell’.  The class are a brilliant audience, demonstrating excellent listening skills.

River and Ed made McDonalds out of Duplo.  Mrs McClafferty had a Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal!

Pupil the week: Megan Carey for making excellent progress in reading and recognising all her tricky words.


Well done also to Ed, Mac, Justin and James for all their hard work at Sensory Circuits.


Emma – We have one cup with no water in a cupboard, one with lots of water and one that has everything
Matthias – One cup has enough of everything. It needs the right temperature of heat, the right amount of water and the right amount of light
Josh – One cup is in a cupboard with no sun and no water. It is very hot and it has dried up
Caitlin – One cup has too much water and there’s only a few green leaves

Gracie – We had to write the labels
Hamish – We had to write what the parts were and then we coloured it in
Noah – There is the stem, the leaves, the petals and the roots

Josh – We were learning maths outside with our buddies
Kyle – Our buddies made us a trail adventure and we had to find stuff
Hamish – We had to find rocks and sticks
Ava – I had to make squares using sticks

Article 28: We have the right to an education


Noah – We had to put the right pictures into the right seasons
Gracie – The pictures were all jumbled up and we had to sort them
Hamish – We had to stick them in the right places
Josh – We had lots of pictures and they were all jumbled up

Ava – We put cotton wool in cups and then we put seeds in them and put water in them. We left them and took them home
Josh – They are called cress plants
Ava – We are doing an experiment. One cup is having lots of water and lots of sun
Caitlin – Another cup is having some sun, the temperature has to be right and we have to give the plant some water once a day
Josh – One cup is in the cupboard and is getting no sun, it’s too hot and it’s getting no water
Miss Wilson – We will see what is going to happen to each of these plants and compare them!

Lewis – We were sorting healthy foods and unhealthy foods into the right plates. Cookies are not healthy because they have chocolate on them. Chocolate is not healthy
Hamish – The green plate was the healthy plate, the orange plate was the foods we have sometimes and the red plate was the unhealthy foods we have as a treat
Josh – The red plate was full of treats

Article 28: We have the right to an education

A dynamic week in P1a

This week we went to Dynamic Earth. Mia

We saw some dinosaur footprints. Mac

The ice was cold. Megan

We went in a time machine. Olivia S

We listened to a dinosaur story. Ada

We had fun. Shannon

We touched dinosaur poo! Amber

We saw all the planets. Oliver

We went on a school bus. Holly & Emily

We got into groups and got taken away in a time machine and were being palaeontologists. Ellis

We went to see the different types of stones. Max

We went into a rainforest and watched a 3D movie! River

We saw a big brontosaurus foot! Aaron

We were being palaeontologists by cleaning the sand of the fossils. Jude

We watched a 3D show with lots of crashing. Ed

It was a great day and the children were fantastic!


We were taking away numbers in maths. Aileigh & James

We coloured in Easter pictures. Alex

We designed our own red noses. Jack

Pupil of the week:  Aileigh Brown for working really hard in numeracy especially at taking away.



Maksim – We did number lines to 20, 30, 50 and then to 100.
Hamish – We glued on dinosaurs and fossils to make it like snakes and ladders.
Noah – We needed to count and write the numbers.
Josh – We made snakes and ladders by gluing dinosaurs on and their tails.

Emma – We were writing lots of facts about dinosaurs from ‘Andy’s dinosaur adventures’.
Jacob – A fact I remember is that a pterodactyl can fly in the air.
Caitlin – Pteranodons eat fish.
Maksim – Pterodactyls are very noisy.

Hamish – On Wednesday we had our mums and dads come to see our learning.
Josh – At Shared Start we had some games out and we showed all of our mums and dads how well we have been learning.
Ava – We had mild, spicy and hot things to do.
Gracie – Mild, spicy and hot things are there to challenge ourselves.

Evie – We were trying to make an explosion and to make a volcano and it spread out in the whole playground.
Emma – All of us were in a circle and looking to see what would happen.
Josh – We used the paper as a funnel and it broke the bit of paper when it exploded.
Max – We had Diet Coke and put mints in it and that made it explode down the hill.

Evie – We were trying to make dinosaur fossils with cotton wool buds.
Matthias – First, we practised putting the cotton wool on the pictures so we could then put it on the black paper without the picture.
Hamish – We stuck them onto the paper after we practised.

Week ending 17th March!

We have been learned the sh sound in phonics. Carly

We learned oo in phonics. Holly

We learned f in phonics. James

We were learning about ankylosaurs. Alex

We were learning th in phonics. Amber

We made a fish in phonics for f. Oliver

We learned that flower starts with f in phonics. Shannon

We looked at a dinosaur timeline – during the first period there were plesiosaurs, during the second there were stegosaurus and during the third there were velociraptor (my favourite dinosaur because it can go really fast!)

We learned the tricky word love. Ellis

We learned how to count dinosaurs to 20 and write the numbers. River


Pupil of the week: Mia McGreevy for writing excellent sentences and including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops!