Category Archives: P1a

Learning update from P1b

This week at school we looked at coins to £2.  We can recognise these coins and add 1p, 2p and 5p coins up to 10p.  We enjoyed playing using these coins to play shops!

Rachael enjoyed making a pirate ship from a selection of materials.  Our challenge was to include a sail, mast, flag, cannon and portholes.  Next week we are going to test to see if our ship floats in water.  Thank you for your kind donations of junk materials.

P1b’s Learning Log

A highlight from our week was watching the Primary 6’s performance of ‘Alice’.  We travelled by bus to Bathgate Academy on Thursday to watch the fabulous show!  Ava mentioned that she enjoyed listening to the boys and girls singing and dancing.  

In number work this week, Sam enjoyed learning more about take away sums.  This week we have been focusing on the subtraction story of 5.  Rachael was then able to state that 5-0=5!

We have also been busy learning information about food allergies.  Leia explained that eating food you are allergic to can make people feel sick and itchy.  We learned that we can keep people with allergies safe by checking labels on food, washing our hands after eating, not sharing food and telling an adult if someone does not feel well.

The boys are girls also looked great dressed in their costumes to support Red Nose Day.   Thank you for your kind donations,


Open Morning Success

This week we learned about internet safety.  We thoroughly enjoyed watching ‘Kim and Lee’s Magical Adventure’ which taught us not to share personal information with people on the internet.

We have also been busy transforming our classroom into a pirate theme.  We have made a pirate ship and mermaid’s cove.  Watch out for the pictures to follow over the next few weeks!

Lastly, P1b would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and family members who took time to visit our classroom today.  We loved showing off our fabulous work and hoped you enjoyed getting an insight into our life at school.

Treasure Island

This week we commenced our new topic ‘Treasure Island’.  Throughout this topic we will learn about pirates and complete related activities.  On Wednesday we made our own treasure maps!  We made them look really old by dabbing them with tea bags and leaving them to dry.  The following day we added images and symbols to our maps.  Kayleigh enjoyed this activity very much and everyone is pleased with their efforts.

We also made parrots to dislay in our classroom.  Keira had fun sticking on real feathers to her parrot image.

Have a lovely long weekend,


P1g Assembly

We have now finished out Katie Morag topic. Our highlitghts have been:

– Transforming our role play area into a Post Office (Emma)

– Making a huge collage of the Isle of Struay to display on the wall (Grace)

– Learning to write postcards for delivery (Robbie)

Just a reminder that our Katie Morag assembly will be this Friday at 9.45am.

Lastly, we have collated ideas on how to transform our classroom into a Pirate theme  for our new topic which is Treasure Island. We are very excited about it! Have a look at the photo to see our spider diagram of ideas!


Weekly update from P1b

 This week we learned more about life on an Island since Katie Morag books are based on life on the Isle of Coll.  Ava enjoyed painting wildlife from the Isle of Coll which includes animals such as dolphins, corncrake birds, sharks, rams and whales.

We also discussed transport used on the Isle of Coll and compared the differences between transport on an island and in Bathgate.  We then used a variety of media such as junk, plasticine, drawing materials and lego to make transport found on the Isle of Coll.

During Health and wellbeing we discussed friendship and qualities we look for in a friend.  We then made a friendship certificate and bracelet for a friend in our class.  We were delighted with the results.

In science we learned about man-made and natural materials.  Isla correctly stated that natural materials are found around us.  We worked with a partner to sort natural and man-made images.

Have a lovely weekend,


Scottish fun in P1g!

This week we have been studying Scotland. We can now recognise the Scottish flag and some famous tartans. We even practised weaving to make a kilt of our own. Thank you Mrs Jamieson who kindly prepared some Scottish foods for us. We tasted haggis, neeps and tatties, scotch broth soup, cheese and oatcakes, jam and plain bread, tablet and dumpling. Everyone enjoyed the feast and the tablet was the most popular! We were keen to try square sausage but Miss Goff didn’t think it would tie in with our health promoting school aims! Yesterday we layered different art materials to make a collage of Scotland’s national flower – a thistle. Grace kindly brought in a book called ‘Katie visits Scotland’ for milk and story where the Loch Ness monster went on an adventure through Glasgow and Edinburgh. It was fun! We had a vote on how many of us believed in the Loch Ness monster and most of us do! Lastly, well done to Ava Campbell who won the Scottish competition from our class, singing an excellent performance of ‘Ye Cannie Shove Yer Grannie aff the Bus’.


Scottish week in P1b

To celebrate Robert Burns, we have been learning more about Scotland.  We explored tartan patterns and even made our very own kilts!  We were also given the opportunity to taste a variety of Scottish foods such as haggis, neeps and tatties, shortbread, tablet, oat cakes, dumpling, Scotch broth and potato scones.  We then worked in groups to sort Scottish food from other food around the world.

On Wednesday P1b went a trip to the local library.  We had great fun listening to a selection of stories and dancing to music.  Aidan particularly enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Day Louis got Eaten’ and Ben liked ‘Solomon the Crocodile’. Grace loved the animal puppets to help tell the story.  Many children are keen to visit the library again!

Busy First Week

P1b have had a busy first week back after the Christmas holidays! After reflecting on our week, we wanted to share some of our highlights.

Ben enjoyed handwriting because we were learning how to neatly write capital letters on the line.

Ava liked completing an experiment about objects that float and sink.  We discovered that wood and plastic float and metal sinks!

We also had a closer look at the colour wheel and learned about hot and cold colours.  We then coloured landscape images using either hot or cold coloured pastels.