We have enjoying learning all about America! We have learned about different states and landmarks within them. We even built the Empire State building using Lego and the Golden Gate Bridge using art straws and string and tried to build them to scale. We were learning about the job as president and all feel it must be a pretty stressful job! If we were president, we would like to provide healthcare like our NHS and decrease the number of people who are homeless. We are now going to be learning about world war 2 and looking forward to it!
We were excited to be back swimming again with Kyle and Ross our instructors. Jayden recieved swimmer of the week for improving his forward stroke so well and following all instructions! Week done Jayden!
We also have been working hard on our class tasks. We had to choose a famous American celebrity, past or present, and research information about them. We then peer assessed each other during the talks and gave feedback. We were looking for for appropriate pace, volume, clarity, eye contact and content.
Here are some of our highlights:
Joe – I really enjoyed learning about the president’s job
Cody – I enjoyed the Burn’s supper as I liked the Irn Bru
Yolie – I liked the Burn’s Supper as the haggis was nice
David – I liked building the Golden Gate Bridge
Cameron – I enjoyed doing my class talk as I got really good feedback
Have a nice weekend!
Class star