All posts by Mrs Spence

Class ⭐️

This week we have enjoyed baking some truffles. We had to check the quantities and weigh ingredients carefully from the recipe. Everyone enjoyed making the biscuit crumbs by giving biscuits a good bash! We have made our very own individually designed greenhouses and planted some beans. The see through panels mean we can look out for them sprouting soon. Which will be first? Roots or shoots? 

Gardening in Class Star ⭐️

This week we have planted some flowers in pots to brighten up part of the AR playground. In class we have looked at how seeds sprout and what they need to grow. We were able to look at the leaves, roots, stems and flower buds of our little plants before planting and watering them. We hope to attract some insects along as well as be able to see them bloom and flower more soon 🌷 🌱 🐜 

Class Star’s Challenge

We are glad to be back to school to see everyone this week. We hope the holidays gave everyone the chance to relax and recharge ready for our last term this school session. Class Star were very excited for our STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) challenge to build the tallest tower possible from spaghetti and marshmallows. We watched some video clips for inspiration and then set about building our own designs. We thought about the shapes we could use and how to improve the strength of our structures. Finally, we tested our creative designs by balancing an item on our towers. We wondered…Did the quick cook spaghetti make a difference? Did the colour of the marshmallows make a difference? Would bigger marshmallows have built taller towers?  Do cold or warm hands change how well you can build?

What do you think of our results? Could you give this a go at home?

Wear your best bright odd socks this Thursday!

We are encouraging everyone across our school community to join in in wearing their very best bright, bold or odd socks on Lots of Socks Day this Thursday 21st March for Down’s Syndrome. This is to show our support and raise awareness, no donations are being collected. We look forward to seeing your fancy looking feet on Thursday this week!

Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day

At Balbardie we’d like to see your odd socks next week on Thursday 21st March to support Down’s Syndrome Awareness. Just for fun. No money required. The main colours are yellow and blue but any crazy sock combination will do! We’d love it if you had a look at the link below to find out more and we look forward to seeing how fancy your feet look next week!

Class Star’s Learning

This week we have been investigating dangers around the home to help us learn about keeping ourselves safe. We managed to spot and circle things which could be sharp, hot, slippery or dangerous for children to touch.

In maths we have been using numicon for our number work and counting, organising and sorting data. We can display our data in a table, chart or graph. We can also use tally marks – close the gate!

Class Star have been busy!

We have loved sharing and reading together this week as a special focus as part of World Book Day. We also recorded reading our favourite books from home using the ipad and watched the clips back. It’s tricky to turn the page, read in a loud voice and smile at the camera!

Earlier this week we enjoyed decorating and eating some delicious pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. The chocolate writing pens were a success.

Creating Paper Flowers

Class Star enjoyed smelling and then creating their very own hyacinth flowers today. We thought about our scissor skills and showed careful cutting. We had to fold and roll paper too. We also needed a lot of glue! We think they look very realistic and everyone felt proud of their efforts.

1a’s Week


We are enjoying saying the days of the week in French. Today is Jeudi.

In maths we are screening our addition sums. This is tricky but we are having a go and counting our red and yellow counters to help us find the total.


For outdoor PE we tried some parachute games but it was extremely blowy!


We watched a video called ‘Amazing Things Can Happen’ about Autism for Wear It Blue Day. We talked about how each of us is different and unique, then we each made a puzzle piece to show a bit about ourselves and how we are all different but part of our class team. Here is our work in progress.

P5 Jazzamatazz Performance 21.03.18

Primary 5 have been lucky to receive weekly input from Mike Brogan for a Jazzamatazz music workshop over this school term. As this finishes next week, we’d like to invite parents/carers to come along and share in the pupils showcasing their learning through a brief concert. This will take place in our upper hall at 11.00am on Wednesday 21st March and siblings are also invited to attend to be part of the audience. Letters with details and a returns slip to follow.

Hope to see you there!

1a’s Week

Hello again!

We welcomed parents and family to class to have a look at our VCOP work and try out some Kung-Fu punctuation. Thank you for coming to visit us. Keep looking out for this while reading this week. We’ve noticed quite a few ! and ? in our non-fiction texts we are reading at the moment.

For happiness month we shared a joke today:

When does an astronaut like to eat?    At launch time!         Ha, ha, ha! Can you think of another?

In maths, we have finished looking at symmetry for now and move on to volume. This game on Topmarks was fun!


We’ve been busy in PE and thinking about being healthy and active. We’ve spotted changes in how our bodies feel after being active like faster pulse, being out of puff, needing a drink and red cheeks too. Not to mention enjoying the fun of a game or sport with friends.

1a Begin Thinking Happiness

A s a whole school we are looking at ways to be and share happiness in the month of March. We have begun our calendar to record our ideas for things which make us happy. Please share your ideas with us and look out for a ‘Happiness is…’ task in home learning next week.

Here are a few ideas from this week:

Luke M – My mummy taking me to Granny and Grandad’s house.

Lois – Going to gymnastics and getting a prize.

Luke B – I like sharing with other people.

Congratulations to Ruaridh who is this week’s star and who had some lovely compliments paid about him being kind, caring, sharing and a good friend to others. Well done!

Lastly, here are a few photos of us busy this week in phonics, maths and with Cosmic Yoga.


We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it at our P1&2 Shared Start on Tuesday 13th March where we’ll share our VCOP literacy learning with you. Get ready for some Kung Fu!

What have we been up to? by 1a

Hello! Ola! Bonjour! Konnichiwa!

We have been learning about area this week. Luke B gave a great description of what area is: It’s the space a shape takes up, a 2D shape. We have calculated area by counting squares or using cubes to fit exactly on top of a shape.


We have been learning ‘igh’ and ‘oi’ this week in phonics lessons. Can you see what we used to make some shiny ‘oi’ words?

In our review jotters this week we have written about something we are feeling more confident in. Lots of us said reading, a few said writing and some said maths tasks.  At Circle Time we are developing our listening and talking skills. We are sharing our hobbies and favourite games or activities for keeping fit and active. Well done to Luke B, Sofia, Daisy, Jess, Devyn and Ruaridh for sharing with us this week. We have started to choose a ‘Star of the Week’ too. Congratulations to Michelle who is our first star. We all enjoyed thinking of a compliment to share with you.

Short Week Round Up

Hello again!

We thought we’d share some photos from our short week at school this week. We hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend.

Here are a few favourite things we have been using our smartboard for:


We are becoming confident in skip counting in multiples of 10 and sequencing these numbers – we aren’t caught out by a sneaky 5!

Mrs Spence has been talking to us about teamwork. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More. Team work makes the dream work. There’s no I in team. We are thinking about how we can work as a class team to help one another out more. When do you work as a team outside of school?

We have a new castle area to make Cozy Corner a great space to cozy quietly, read a book and relax. Here’s how it looks.

Tesco Visit 1a 7.2.18

We welcomed Tracey from Tesco to our class today. She brought lots of interesting things with her in her shopping bags! We had this to say about it:

Jess – I enjoyed eating everything on my plate.

Daisy – I like tasting the cucumber and the ripe fruit.

Lois – I cheese best.

Georgia and Robyn – I liked the plums.

Logan – Grapes were my favourite.


Luke M and Bailey – I love grapes.

Hollie, Devyn, Willow and Michelle – I liked tasting cucumber the most.

William – Smoked cheese was yum, yum, yum!

Ruaridh – I liked the carrots.

Anna – I liked tasting the pineapple.

We loved our visit and this has helped us to learn more about where our food comes from, from farm to fork!

1a’s Week

We have been making ‘oo’ words this week. It’s a spook in Vowel House who makes this sound. We decided to make our words look interesting. Can you see how we tried to do this?

On Thursday last week, we braved the cold and went outside for some PE games. We played Duck, Duck, Goose and What’s the Time Mr. Wolf. It was great, but chilly, fun!


In maths and number work we’ve been using number fans, cubes and bone self-check sums. We are doing some great counting and adding at the moment. We can show you our bunny ears.