All posts by Ms Gavin

Health and Fitness in P2pg

This week we were learning lots of things about health and fitness.  We learned about what healthy living means, what we need to do to keep healthy and we made posters to show all these things.  We learned about how food keeps us healthy, how our body digests food and how it takes the goodness out of the food for our body.  We also looked at how this goodness helps our body to grow strong.  On Tuesday we were helped by the P7’s to do lots of activities outside – which we really enjoyed.  Our sports day was great and we all enjoyed the different races, even when we didn’t think we would enjoy them!  An instructor came in and we learned lots of different skills for basketball – which was really great!

With Ms Gavin we learned skills in Curling and Golf!  We also made medals for taking part in our first week of the Health and Fitness fortnight, which meant we were all winners for taking part!

Friday was also really exciting when we met our new teachers for next year.  We are a bit sad that we are getting split up but excited that we will make new friends!

We also continued learning about friendships and how to disagree nicely with each other, we now need to practice this lots in class and in the playground!  Our learning about friendships will help us with our new classes next year.

Well done P2pg.

This week in P2pg

This week we have been building our Eco Houses in class.  We remembered all the things that make a house Eco friendly and put some of these ideas into our houses.  We drew and made roof gardens for vegetables, showers instead of baths, solar panels and made lots of windows to conserve energy in the home.  Drew low flush toilets, composting toilets, rainwater barrels and compost heaps.  They were great Eco Houses!

In our writing we have been creating stories about the Mountain that appeared at the bottom of our gardens.  These were great and we like writing imaginitive stories, so much so that some of us are now writing our own little books and sharing these as Show and Tell.

We continued learning about Friendships through stories.  We listened to Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper and found out about our feelings when we get upset and fall out with friends.  We also started to make a ‘friendship mat’ which we can use to when we are trying to work out problems with others.

Well done P2pg for another good week.

This week in P2pg

This week we enjoyed writing about the little cottage and the wizard that appeared at the bottom of our gardens!  We were able to think of lots of describing words to use in our story and it was fun when we were able to use characters and things from stories we already knew.  Some of us used our reading books (The Shiny Key) some of us used traditional tales like Alice in Wonderland or Sleeping Beauty.  We used all these to make the middle and end of our stories.  Ms Gavin thought they were fantastic.

We also enjoyed making ‘For Sale’ posters for our Eco Houses and it was great to see more of the Eco Houses from the Web.  We are going to build our Eco Houses next week so we need to bring in boxes (shoe box size)!

We are all doing well in our reading and we enjoy the traditional tales and stories from Ms Gavin.

Well done P2pg for another good week.

News from P2pg

This week we continued our focus on re-writing our traditional tales by re-writing Little Red Riding Hood.  We also thought of good describing words and coloured in pictures of the story which we enjoyed doing at our Shared Start on Wednesday. 

We listened to the story of The Rainbow Fish and decorated our own rainbow fish.  The story helped us think of different things that help us make and be good friends with others.  Then we wrote all these things on our rainbow fish pictures.

In RE we continued our looking at different faiths by learning about Buddhism.  We listened to the story of the first Buddha and learned about some of his teachings.  We thought that some of these things were things we were learning about in Cool in School and Friendships in our Health and Wellbeing work.  For instance being kind to others, not hurting others with what we do or what we say, working hard and looking after others.  Then we tried out some meditation! 

In PE we are learning about Handball and this week Mr Jeffries got us to ‘dribble’ the ball and move around the hall to get used to this before we move on to passing and playing the game.  It was good fun!

Well done P2pg for another good week.

This week in P2pg

This week we thought about all the things we learned through Cool in School, which helps us with our friendships.  Some of the children comments included …

“You know how people are feeling by looking at their face and their body language.” Skye

“Respect other children.” Robyn

“Own up to your mistakes.” Jennie

“If you hit someone you should say sorry.” Callum

“If you take something that doesn’t belong to you, give it back.” Gary

“Care for your friends.” Lucy

Over the next few weeks we are going to look further into building good friendships with others. 

We also learned about Eco Houses and all the things that help we can do in our homes to help care for our environment.  The children designed their Eco houses on paper and we hope we can make some of these from junk materials (recycled ones of course). 

Of course this all tied in nicely with our Grounds awareness day and the raising of the Green Flag today.  What an exciting day!  The children loved the stalls, the story and the picnic – even the cold didn’t put us off.

Well done P2pg.

New topic for P2pg

Our new topic is The Three Little Pigs, with the children learning about all different houses and homes.  We started by reading the story and the children were really excited.  They got involved in the story by being the big, bad wolf trying to blow the houses down.  Then we made some of the houses and found how these stood up to the ‘wolf’!  The children have lots of ideas, some of these include making the different areas in the classroom into the three pig’s houses.  Well we’ll give it a go.

The children enjoyed writing the story of The Three Little Pigs in their own words and using lots of adjectives.  Well done to Holly who is our Pupil of the Week for her super Three Little Pigs story.

We also used adjectives, nouns and verbs this week to make some silly sentences, including:

‘The clever pig met a frog in the supermarket.’  Harry.

‘A fat, pink pig thought about his green and white pants.’  Ciaran.

‘A witch fought a fat, angry giant.’ Jack.

‘A pink wolf wanted a bouncy trampoline he could jump on.’ Jennie.

‘The grumpy witch chased the angry wolf.’ Zoe.

Well done P2pg!

Lots to enjoy in P2pg

The children have been enjoying lots of things this week, including …

“Making our Torah scrolls in RE.” Ciaran and Steven.

“Big Maths Challenge.” Murray and Gabriel.

“Writing our Jack and the Beanstalk stories, Stars in their eyes, practicing for our assembly and making our scrolls in RE.” Jennie.

“Everything.” Ty.

Many of the children enjoyed watching the Got Stars in their Eyes and proudly cheered on Zoe from our class.  Well done Zoe, you were fab!

The children really enjoyed learning about Judaism whilst looking at faiths around the world and making our Torah scrolls.  Lots more to look at over the next few weeks.

All the children are working hard practicing for our assembly next Friday and we are looking forward to seeing you all there.

Well done P2pg.

First week back for P2pg!

We had a great week this week.  On Monday we took time to draw holiday pictures and share our news with each other!  Some of us had been away, some of us had been ill and some of us stayed at home – but still had lots of fun and a good break.

Wednesday was our castle trip and we all had a great time.  We liked everything about the castle, from the curtain walls, round lookout towers, tower house (keep), Great Hall, staircases, murder holes, battlements and even the dungeon!  We saw where the people lived and got a better good idea of how the people lived in the castle from the guides that took us round – they were great!

Here we are outside the castle meeting the guides.  Then inside the castle, listening to them tell us about the people who lived in the castle, just before we played a game!

It was a really great day.

Well done P2pg.

News from P2pg

This week we have been learning more about life in a castle.  We learned about the clothes they wore and found out that the wealthy Lords and Ladies were the ones that had all the fine silks and furs, whilst other people had to make do with what they had.  As for the children they just wore hand me downs from the adults!  We also learned how they cleaned their teach and kept clean in the medieval times and about how they didn’t have bathrooms or toilets!  The children were very unimpressed by these facts!  However, we  were impressed making our flags for the classroom and describing castles in our writing sessions.

We also had a look at the Easter story and learned all about this celebration and how it came about.  We were amazed by the way in which Jesus was treated and didn’t feel it was very ‘Cool in School’!

We are looking forward to our Shared start next week and seeing everyone at the Easter Service.

See you then.

What a buzz in P2pg!

There certainly was a buzz around P2pg this week.  We had a great week rehearsing for Billy no buzz, then our dress rehearsal on Thursday and the main event today!  The children have been very excited all week and were thrilled with their performances.  Therefore the whole class received a Star Award for all their hard work and superb performances.

This week we also had a our big book swap, which was great as we got to bring in the books to swap with others.  We also made something special for someone special which you will find out about on Sunday!  I’ve promised not to say anymore!

In our topic we found out about the people who lived in castles.  We didn’t know there were around 150 people working in them, doing all sorts of jobs including gunners, knights, blacksmiths, stewards, storytellers and musicians.  We enjoyed making up drawing and describing some of the people and giving them names too!  Next Wednesday we will have our trip to Craigmillar Castle and we are really looking forward to that!

Well done P2pg.

P2pg News

This week we really got started on our castle topic.  We looked at the different castles thoughout the medieval times starting with wooden Motte and Bailey castles and then moving on to the stone castles that we know today.  We learned about the murder holes, drawbridges, moats, and the portcullis.  We are now looking at the inside of the castle and what we will be changing our classroom into.  The children are really looking forward to this next week.

We also really enjoyed having our parents in to class this morning helping us to make our Coats of Arms.  We’re going to have these displayed in our Grand Hall (class) with all our other regalia and banners that we will be making!  We’ve already decided to call our castle King Arthur’s Castle of Balbardie and our tables are now called different clan names.

Well done P2pg for another good week!

News from P2pg

This week we finished our topic on the senses with us looking at smell and touch.  The children were eager to carry out our experiments on smell!  There were lots of ideas about all the things we were smelling, but as we could not use our sense of taste some of the smells were really hard to guess.  We all loved this topic and are a bit sad that it’s over, but we are really looking forward to our castle topic.  We have been writing all the things we know about castle and giving Ms Gavin some ideas of what we want included in our learning.

In maths we were learning about number lines and how to use them to help us add and subtract.  We made some really nice number lines and we’ve got frogs to help us jump up and down to find the right answers. 

Pupil of the week is Tobin Witt for his wonderful sentences using nouns, verbs and adjectives.  Tobin’s sentences included … ‘The orange door swan.  The green book played.  The brown mat danced.’ Well done Tobin!

Well done P2pg.

Excitement in P2pg

There was lots of excitement in P2pg this week, as Matthew Fitt visited our class.  He read The three wee pigs from his Book of Fairy Tales in Scots.  We learned lots of new words for animals including puggie, dug, craw, doo and tod!  We love his stories and found him really funny.  Then we used our writing session to write thank you letters to Matthew for his visit.  We hope he can come back one day as it was fun.

We were also excited about the science experiements we did in our Senses topic.  We were focusing on the sense of taste and tasking different solutions.  Some were nice but others were really horrible – especially when we held our noses to stop us smelling the things we were tasking.   The children are really enjoying this topic and we have set up some different areas in the classroom, including an opticians and a touch centre. 

Well done P2pg for another great week.

P2pg News

This week in P2pg we have been making our targets for our writing.  We have decided that some of us need to focus on keeping our writing neat, some need to remember to be careful when forming our letters and some of us need to remember to focus a little more on our writing tasks.

In maths we have finished looking at symmetry by colouring beautiful butterflies and making our own symmetrical patterns.  These will be going on display outside our classroom soon.

In our topic we have been learning about our sense of hearing.  The children remembered some of the name for the different parts, especially the small bones (hammer, anvil and stirrup) and the Cochlea – which looks rather like a snail’s shell!  We also did an experiment where we had to listen to different sounds then figure out what they were!  This was quite tricky, but most of the children recognised the sounds of some animals, cars and even the fog horn!

We’ve also been learning a Scottish poem for Burns day and three children will be chosen and put through to the school final on Monday!  Good luck to all the children and keep practicing!  We also talked about Robert Burns and why he is important and remembered at this time of year.

Well done P2pg.