We had a lovely time celebrating our successes with you all on Tuesday; thank you to those of you who were able to join us. Miss McKinnon was very impressed with our singing, we are all very talented! Here are some of our highlights from the week:
Jude: I enjoyed writing our plan for our non-fiction books.
Alex: I enjoyed maths because we are measuring length.
Aaron: I enjoyed maths because I like measuring length. It helps me learn.
Olivia: I enjoyed singing our celebration song.
Holly: I enjoyed music because we got to play the djembe drums.
Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.
Shannon: I enjoyed drumming because it’s fun.
Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.
Aileigh: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was lots and lots of fun.
Jack: I enjoyed our celebrating success assembly and reading because we got our new book about icy cold places.
Ellis: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I had fun.
Carley: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I got to do it with Miss McKinnon.
Max: I liked it when we played the rumble on the djembe drums because it was a new thing to do.
James: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was fun.
River: I enjoyed snack time because I got to play with my friends.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.