
This week we learned all about Victorian schools. We used Venn diagrams to compare and contrast Victorian schools to Balbardie Schools. We also wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a Victorian school pupil. We are really looking forward to having a Victorian Day next week. In Numeracy we are continuing time and angles. We have been calculating long time durations, using clocks and number lines to help. We got two sessions of Jazzamatazz this week, and we loved it because we got to improvise on our glockenspiels.  Here are some of our highlights:

Mia – I loved violin this week because we passed a test in violin and got a certificate.

Lauren – I really enjoyed P.E this week.

Teighan – The Valentines Disco was really good!

Megan – I liked learning about Victorian schools and writing the diary entry.

Connor – I liked working with my learning partner to do the Venn diagram.

Kiara – I’m looking forward to having the Victorian day in class.

Jason – I am liking planning my class talk.

On Thursday 15th February we will be having a Victorian Day in class. The children can come to school dressed up as Victorian children.

Enjoy the long weekend everyone 🙂

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