
We have had a great first week back at school! For literacy this week we have been focusing on writing a recount of our Easter Holidays. We did a lot of tasks focusing on time connectives and writing in the past tense. We enjoyed sharing all of the fun things we did during the holiday. For maths we are continuing to look at fractions and mental maths. We have also started our new topic, Friends of the Planet. We talked about Earth Day, which was on Monday, and we each made three commitments to helping our planet. We committed to things like recycling more, building bug hotels in our back gardens and helping to pick up litter more often. The whole school is now helping to pick up litter after break and lunch time and our playground is looking much tidier! Here are some of our highlights:

Donna: I enjoyed learning new tennis skills.

Zara: I liked outdoor P.E.

Brooke: I enjoyed creating the poster.

Ellis: I liked the fractions work.

Lucas K: Maths was good this week.

Luke: I enjoyed P.E.

Gabriel: Football was really good.

Katie: The team spirit lesson was great.

Niamh: I enjoyed learning about our new topic.

Mia: I enjoyed writing my recount.

Shelbi: I enjoyed going to the farm yesterday

Samuel: I liked the Easter recount.

Murray: I really enjoyed learning about our new topic.

Jodie: The team spirit lesson was fun.

Evan: I liked the topic lessons.

Maisie: I enjoyed maths this week.

Lily: I really liked writing my Easter holiday recount.

Ross: I enjoyed football in P.E.

Erin: I enjoyed creating a poster for the procession.

Tamsyn: I really like the team spirit lesson.

Ammie-Leigh: I enjoyed being back at school!

Note: Bathgate Sports Festival on Tuesday – remember to wear outdoor P.E. kit and bring snack, water and lunch.


Have a lovely weekend.

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