It’s our first week back and we’ve already had lots of fun learning new things. Here are some of highlights …
Suvi- I really enjoyed playing ‘Golden River’ in outdoor P.E.
Megan- I enjoyed researching and drawing my animal life cycle.
Mia- I loved symmetry in Maths this week.
Ranna- I enjoyed completing my maths assessment today.
Denholm- I enjoyed completing my maths assessment today.
Kiara- I enjoyed writing our rap with our spelling words.
Connor- I enjoyed meeting my friends when the week started.
Alex- I enjoyed P.E. with Mr Jeffries.
Liam- I enjoyed learning about Pronouns.
Euan- I liked drawing my story map for the model text.
Joshua- I enjoyed outdoor P.E.
Jess- I enjoyed spelling this week.
Catriona- I enjoyed our visit to the Library.
Islay- I am enjoying our new book for reading.
Alfie- I enjoyed going down to the library.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend