This week in Primary 2 we have stared our new topic of castles. We have been learning about the different features found in castles.
We have also revised the 2,5 and 10 times table.
The class enjoyed the stories we have read this week during milk and story time. We have read Winnie the Witch and Hugless Douglas.
Here are the children’s favourite parts of the week:
Kai – When we did science
Hannah – Reading Hugless Douglas
Mikolaj – Clocks
Oliver – Science when we watched videos about water and snowflakes
Sofia – Science when we learned about the water
Jack C –Science watching the water and the ice
Sophie – Hugless Douglas
Jack B – I liked when we did science because we got to watch clips of water and snowflakes and all different shapes of snowflakes
Lois – Hugless Douglas when he found a hug from his mum
Ben – When Jack came
Hollie – Castles about the drawbridge.
Anna – Learning about castles, learning about the parts around the castle.
Isla – Learning about castles, there’s water around the castle so the enemies can’t get in. The moat.
Hope – When Jack came.
Thomas – Doing castles, I like the moat, it’s a lake that you can’t get passed and the only way to get over is lower the drawbridge.
Ruby – Hugless Douglas because he got a hug from his mum.
Daisy – Hugless Douglas because he keeps trying to get a hug and science because I liked learning about water.
Ethan – When Jack came. Castles because they have a moat.
Miss Cowan