This term has started with a bang! We started learning about the Vikings. We drew a cartoon Viking and then wrote a letter to Gunnar, a character in our story, whose Dad is a very important man in his village. We told him a bit about ourselves and asked him about himself. We also wanted to find out a bit more about the story and what might happen to him. We will fill you in next week when we have read a bit more.
In French we started learning the colours. We played some fun games and then listened to a song where we had to match the colours to cubes. We had to put them in order of the song. It was quite tricky.
In PE we started a block of fitness work thinking about keeping fit and improving our performances in a series of short exercises. Next week we will try to beat our scores. Hopefully by the end of the 6 week block we will be super fit!
In health and wellbeing we started our programme ‘Cool in School’. We learnt about cool, aggressive and weak responses to situations. When learnt that when we use an aggressive response, the problem gets bigger. If we use a weak response, the situation continues. If we use a cool response, the problem should be solved. We hope that this will help us to deal with difficult situations in school and at home too!
In numeracy we have started learning about multiplication. We made arrays, groups of and drew simple number stories to show our calculations. In Maths, we were learning about compasses and direction. We made compasses and used them in the playground to direct our friends from spot to spot.
In reading we started learning our Scots poems for the Burns Poetry competition at the end of the month. We are looking forward to hearing everyone’s performance so that class representatives can be chosen.
In handwriting we learnt how to join a ‘ay’. We are hoping that the presentation of our work will improve a lot!
In assembly, Mr McCabe told us about the men who invented the Fortnite game. He explained that they had presented their game to 7 different companies before it was produced. From this, we learnt that we need to strive for what we believe in and to have a growth mindset to achieve our goals.
Table of the week – with 490