Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Megan: I enjoyed Health and Wellbeing.

Alex: I enjoyed having Scott in to visit during Health and Wellbeing. He is the new pupil in our class and I hope I make good friends with him.

Leila: I enjoyed doing maths because we got to look around the classroom for right angles.

Jack: I enjoyed having our new pupil Scott in our class because he is one of my new friends.

Jude: I enjoyed learning about right angles because I know lots of right angles.

Ellis: I enjoyed reading because I got to read with one of my best friends. And it is my birthday.

Holly: I enjoyed reading because my group got to do word work.

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because we were learning about clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Ethan: I enjoyed Big Maths Beat That because I beat my score.

Millie: I enjoyed learning about right angles and I liked going around the classroom to look for them with the right angle eaters.

Max: I enjoyed seeing Scott, our new pupil because I’ve never met him before. He looks a bit like my brother and he looks very smart.

Carley: I enjoyed having our new pupil Scott come to visit because I got to show him around the classroom. I enjoyed reading independently because it gives me some time to think about the words.

Amber: I enjoyed learning about clockwise and anti-clockwise because we were standing up and turning both ways.

James: I enjoyed having Scott here because he’s my best friend.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book called ‘What a Waste!’

River: I enjoyed having Scott come to visit because he is one of my best friends.

Mac: I enjoyed doing my reading comprehension.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the coffee morning. We all enjoyed it very much!

Have a lovely weekend!


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