Primary 2/1 Assembly


I have been made aware that not all parents know about the arrangements for the class assembly taking place tomorrow (Thursday 8th February).

For those that haven’t seen the note in homework or the letter sent home, I apologise for the lateness of this information and have copied the letter below.  The children are really looking forward to sharing their learning with you all!


“Dear Primary 2/1 Parent,


The children have been very hard at work preparing for our class assembly on Thursday 8th February.  This will take place in the Gym Hall at 2.30, with parents invited from 2.15pm.  For this event, parents are asked to provide costumes (chosen by the children).  Could these please be labelled and sent to school in a carrier bag by Wednesday 7th of February (at the very latest) – I will be able to store these in class if you wish to send them in prior to this date.


The costumes required are as follows:



Dark coloured t-shirt (brown, black, orange, dark green), jeans and trainers.



Jumper (any colour or pattern), jeans, trainers, hat, scarf.



Flowery t shirt/shirt, jeans, trainers.



Shorts/Skirt, t-shirt, trainers/sandals, sunglasses.


Season Spy:

White shirt, black trousers, black shoes –  (I will provide a lab coat)


Thank you for your support with this and for continuing to practice assembly lines at home, it is very much appreciated.  The children are all very excited to share their learning with their families.



Best wishes,

Mrs Mansfield”


I look forward to seeing as many as possible tomorrow!


Mrs Mansfield

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