This week in P5b….

We had a Remembrance Assembly.  Isaac

We were learning how to create fireworks in art using radial symmetry.  Emily

We practised our 4 times tables.  Rayen

We were learning at the 4 times tables.   Camaron

We were learning how to make raisins dance in Science.  Rose

We have been learning words with the spelling patter ‘igh’.  Jason

We have been learning long multiplication.  Nathan & Hope

We have been learning about solids, liquids and gases in science.  Guy

We learned that gas rises.  Katie

We learned that gas bubbles  would carry the raisins to the top and then burst and the raisins would sink.  Maisey

We have learned a lot about the 4 times tables.  Callum

We learned how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.  Aryan

We learned about bullying.  Hayley

We learned about feeling safe in the BBB.  Ela

We were learning how to add doing chimney sums.  Jaime-Lee

We learned about atoms and particles in solids, liquids and gases. Ben

We were writing a Halloween report.  Elliot

We’ve learned about our 3 times tables.  Skye

We learned how to multiply 4 digits by 1 digit.  Jacob

We learned how to multiply using our times table knowledge.  Luke

We learned about solids, liquids and gases.  Emma

We learned a song called As One in music.  Dani

We were creating radial patterns with our fireworks.  Owen

We heard the Rookie Rockstars in BBB.  Jack

Dancing Raisins!
Dancing Raisins!
Dancing Raisins!



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