P3Cs highlights of the week.


Lily: I liked doing tally marks by watching the cars on the smart board

Sophie S: I enjoyed having to focus and take our time to watch the cars and get the tally marks correct

Sophie M: I liked doing the tally marks and seeing the cars go by

Jess: I liked doing partitioning

Nina: I liked doing the partitioning

Brandon: I like counting a number of tally marks we had

Grace: I had fun watching the marble video about Mrs Dawson

Archie: I enjoyed playing maths tig

Keegan: I liked maths

Marley: I liked the maths this week

Emily: I enjoyed doing partitioning



Eden: I liked writing about the Candy Unicorn

Sophie M: I liked writing about the unicorn

Sophie A: I liked writing about the Cotton Candy Unicorn

Emily: I enjoyed writing about the Rainbow Unicorn

Isla: My unicorn fact is that the Candy Unicorn has a rainbow phone

Sophie S: I enjoyed writing about my Rainbow Demon Unicorn

Kayden: I liked writing about unicorns

Jess: I enjoyed writing about the Mystical Unicorn

Grace: I liked listening to Nina and Harris the unicorn experts we interviewed

Harris: I enjoyed the Chrome Candy Unicorn

Marley: I writing about the unicorns mine was the Sam Unicorn



Luis, Kayden, Sophie M, Nina, Emily, Sophie S, Sophie A, Isla, Jess, Marley & Max: I liked the weather videos

Lily: I enjoyed watching the hurricane video and the tornado video


Tables Champions – Intelligent Table


Star Writer – Sophie Smith – The Princess Rainbow Demon Unicorn


Thank you for your hard work


Mr C

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