This has been our final week in Term 1. It has gone by super fast and we have had lots of fun learning tasks!

Our favourite moments of this week are:
Daniel – I liked when we wrote about a fire and I also liked when we were at Church today.
Kyle – My favourite moment was in P.E when we got the mats out and the cones to try and get across to the “Disneyland”.
Maddison – In P.E we had mats out and if you went onto the floor you had to start all over. We were trying to get to imaginary “Disneyland”.
Archie – I really liked when we did our harvest healthy snack packets. I also really liked when did the story about the fire and I liked going to the church.
Artjom – I liked how we made the houses with the Art teacher.
Elena – I liked when we went to the church and I saw my dad. I also really liked the songs that we did.
Sarah – I like P.E. We were playing “chaos tig” when everyone is it and whoever gets tigged, they have to sit and watch the person who tigged them. Once they sit down they are free.
Rowan – If you tig each other at the same time in “chaos tig” you have to play rock, paper, scissors to see who will sit down.
Luke – I liked P.E this week because we played a lot of teamwork games and I was partners with Akasha, Sam, Teigan and Rowan.
Akasha – I liked when I wrote my story and I also like Golden Time.
Hollie – I liked the story called “Fire!” and I am really glad today is Friday because it is a good day!

Our favourite moments in P3 so far are:
Elena – Everything!
Charlotte – I liked when we made clean water out of dirty water.
Daniel – I liked when we learned about what dissolves and what doesn’t dissolve.
Luke – I liked learning different strategies in Maths and all of our Maths. I also liked the Xcite workshop with Marie and Robyn.
Archie – I liked when do our spelling words.
Kyle – I liked when we did our spelling tests.
Artjom – I liked when we made our landscape pictures of our community. I also liked when we drew pictures with crayons and painted over it in black paint. Then we scratched the paint off to make new pictures.
Akasha – I liked when we did our houses in Art with the Art teacher. I also liked when we made our names when we were learning about our right to a name.
Lexi – I liked making the houses with Mrs Thomson.
Rosie – I liked when we our Harvest pictures.

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