Written by P4b!

This week each table in the class has prepared a paragraph about their learning. They had to work together to discover their most enjoyable or memorable moments of the week. Then they had to write a couple of sentences each to explain what they had enjoyed learning.
Red table
On Newsround there was a lot of rubbish in the ocean. I enjoyed outdoor PE. I have enjoyed doing Maths. I love Maths a lot and I am good at Maths. We have been learning about Mary, Queen of Scots.
Orange table
We have been wondering who will be special person next. We were table of the week three times and we got prizes. We did French, Science, Clocks and times and reading.
Yellow table
We have been learning about Time. We have been learning about Mary, Queen of Scots. We were counting back in 10s. We were testing materials on with magnets. In French we were learning seasons.
Green table
In PE we played ‘Don’t fall in the water’ – a team work game. In French we were learning the seasons. We did a timelime of Mary, Queen of Scots. I enjoyed the clock because I like Maths. We did lots of Maths this week, including place value.
Blue table
I’m looking forward to learning more about Mary, Queen of Scots. I liked learning with Mrs Collings. I love to learn about magnets. Time was very, very fun.
Table of the week – with 490 – the green table!

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