Cool Creatures in P7b

We have had a fun filled week in Primary 7B. Callum from Cool Creatures brought some interesting animals from the rainforest to visit us on Tuesday.  We met a tortoise, an armadillo, a chameleon, a palm civet and some of us were brave enough to hold an albino python.  The tortoise did the toilet on our classroom floor. Yuck!!!

We have used what we have been learning about adaptation to create our own rainforest animals.  In literacy we have been learning about figurative language and we used this knowledge to write an ode to our animals including lots of examples of similes, metaphors and hyperboles.  Hyperboles are where you say something in an exaggerated way to prove a point.  We think our poems are the best in the whole universe!

Today it is Mrs Knowles’s last day in our class so we are having a party to say goodbye!

Have a lovely weekend.

From Mrs Knowles and Primary 7B


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