
It is the penultimate week of term 1 and here is the learning in P3C.


Sophie M: We have been learning to count on

Luis: We have been drawing it

Jess: We have been doing count on and drawing number lines in maths

Harris: We had shared start and parents came in and did maths with us


Archie: We have done a spelling test and I got 10/10

Isla: We created posters in writing this week

Grace: We learned about slogans

Sophie S: We have been doing posters and making up our own slogan


Grace: we learned our name, age and where we live in French

Eden: I have been learning how to add

Kayden: We went a walk on Monday down the street

Emily: I was glad it didn’t rain on our walk.


Last week next week lets make it a good one! Check out our shared start photos.



Mr C

Marbles Champions – Rainbows

Star Writer – Archie G



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