It has been a busy week in Class Moon. This week we have been planning our stories using the dragon’s we created last week. Everyone’s plan is fantastic and Miss Garland cannot wait to read the finished stories. We have enjoyed reading our new reading books. We have 2 reading books we work on. One is chosen by the teacher to help us with our reading and one is chosen by us. We have made great choices including Captain Underpants, Doctor Who, Star Wars and Minecraft. We have really enjoyed reading these books. This week in Learning Across the Curriculum we have been focussing on the emotion sad and been doing lots of activities about being sad and what we can do when we are sad. In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers. We have also been learning about the new bridge with Mrs McLean and we made our own Scottish Bridge. Here is what Class Moon have enjoyed this week:
Charlie: I enjoyed going into rainbow room with Elliot.
Elliot: I enjoyed play Doctor Who at choose.
Logan: I enjoyed planning my dragon story.
Gabriel: I liked playing buildy tig with my integration friends.
Jake: I enjoyed watching Alphablocks.