Welcome to P4b!

On Tuesday we were really pleased to welcome the children back to school and to see our BRAND NEW classroom!
We have talked a lot about how to make school a safe, happy and enjoyable place for everyone in P4b. We have also talked about all the things we are looking forward to during the year. These are the things we are looking forward to!
Annie – being in the front playground
Olivia – drama, PE, art and science!
Ruby-Anne – being in a new classroom
Holly – being upstairs
Aaron – having a new classroom
Brandon – being in the front playground
Shaun – going outside with our class
Jamie – dojo points
Liam – PE
Eva – reading more chapter books
Florence – Science
Noami- being in the front playground
Rory – learning about the Vikings
Dylan – meeting new people
Kaycee – going on school trips
Ellie-Rose – more maths!
Charlotte – Science
Brooke – Art
Ellie – making new friends
Kyle – Science
Orla – art and Drama
Lewis – improving my reading
Alistair – outdoor PE
Max – science
Hannah – making new friends
Jay – having new teachers
Bryce – having a new classroom
Alfie B – maths
Owen – Art
Jackie – bringing in toys from home
Alfie L – maths
Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Collings are really looking forward to a fun and fantastic year!
Table of the week – orange with 550 points! Well done!

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