Wonderful weather

This week has seen us experience a range of weather which has been very useful for our topic!
With Mrs Mackenzie we have learnt to take our pulse. We took our resting pulse and then took our pulse after doing some exercise. Our pulse goes up when we exercise to get blood around our bodies quicker for our muscles to work. For most of us, it took a few minutes to get back to normal which – very healthy.
We are continuing to work on fractions. We are finding fractions of numbers. It helps that we know our tables well!
In P.E. we are continuing to develop our cricket skills, specifically catching from short range and long range. We played a game called caterpillar cricket. It makes us run a LOT!
In Literacy we wrote weather reports thinking about the past tense for weather that has happened and using the future tense for the weather that is to come. We recorded them and some of them are here. Watch out Scotland, if P4b are correct, there’s some real surprises in store!


In Maths, we are learning to measure in centimetres. We measured ourselves with tape measures. We also had to figure out what units of measurement we would use to measure certain things such as a car or the thickness of a door.
Table of the week – with 690 points

Pupil of the week – Nathan for experimenting successfully with a variety of art media and techniques to demonstrate camouflage in nature.

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