This was a super short week but we still managed lots!

In maths, we have been playing lots of different games to help us remember our times table facts. We have also been learning to tell the time. We went outside and had time telling races.

In literacy, we have been learning about persuasive writing. We wrote letters asking for an extra 5 minutes at playtime. We had to hook the reader and then give good reasons for asking for an extra 5 minutes.

In topic, we have been learning about the different types of farms and took notes on poultry and dairy farms. This was quite hard because we were not writing in sentences.

We also learned about planting seeds and how plants grow. On Tuesday we then planted our own seeds. We got the choice of planting two different types of radish or lettuce. Some of them had already germinated by Friday! We have to look after them, making sure they get enough light, heat and water just like a real farmer would.

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