Learning in P3/2

What was your most exciting learning this week…?


Eva – ‘My most exciting thing this week was learning about how to make a reindeer photo frame’

Sophie S – ‘I enjoyed making a reindeer gift bag’

Jess – ‘The most exciting thing this week was learning about volcanoes in the Science Lab’

Archie – ‘The most exciting thing was writing instructions to make a Christmas photo frame’

Nina – ‘Everything!’

Zara – ‘I liked the P1 assembly this morning. Β It taught me about friendship and to be a good friend’

Isla – ‘I liked studying the Science Lab. We studied magma, lava and not to drink anything in the Science Lab’

Katie – ‘I liked doing the little Lotus flowers this week in Art’

Grace – ‘I enjoyed music because I liked the songs. I remember ‘Happy Christmas”

Ross – ‘I enjoyed the Gathering this week, learning about St Andrew’s Day’

Rory – ‘I liked testing lava in the Science Lab – it felt hard. ‘

Harris – ‘I liked studying Obsidian – it’s the black stuff inside lava’

Max – ‘I found it exciting to look at the real crystals in the Science Lab’

Niamh – ‘I found music exciting and learning new songs with Mrs Innes’

Lily – ‘Cosmic Yoga was exciting because we did a kangaroo move’

Sophie McG – ‘I also liked Cosmic Yoga – it was exciting because we went in a cave and found the other kangaroos’

Dylan – ‘I liked jumping onto crash mats in PE’

Luis – ‘I liked playing games at playtime’

Florence – ‘I liked planning the Pompeii story for my writing’

Eden – ‘I liked pretending to show others how to write about making photo frames for the Christmas Fair.

We also talked about books that we are reading at home for the Readathon – well done to all!

Congratulations to our Step 4 and Step 5 boys and girls! πŸ™‚



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