
We are back from our week at Bathgate Academy. We had a fantastic time. We enjoyed all our new subjects especially science and we made lots of new friends. We are now a lot more confident about going to high school after the Summer. Josh and Abigale are visiting their high schools this week and Mairi has really enjoyed her visits to her new school. We can’t believe we are all going to be leaving Balbardie soon!

We have had a very busy week. We have been learning how to deal with emergency situations. We found out about the symptoms of heart attacks and strokes and what we can do to help get the person help as quick as possible. We used dummies to practise giving chest compressions to the tune of Staying Alive to help people who may have had a heart attack. On Monday we are going to visit the Risk Factory so hopefully we will be able to cope under the pressure of simulated “real-life” situations.

On Thursday we were set a design challenge. We had to design clothes for a certain celebrity. During this task we had to work as a team to design a logo for our brand, create an outfit using different materials using the correct measurements and create a description of the outfit in English and French. The outfits we created were fantastic and we gave an excellent catwalk performance.


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