Primary 2b Blog

We have been having a great week this week in Primary 2b and have enjoyed challenging our learning.



In our reading detectives we continued to practise our visualising, this time through the context of the beach.  We were able to apply this skill in our writing to write imaginatively about being at the beach.  We focused on what we could hear, smell and see.

In writing we started to make Safari animal fact files.  We understand what a fact is and were able to use a layout to add information about our chosen animal.  We were able to choose from a mountain gorilla, a chimpanzee, an African lion, an African elephant or a black rhino – we enjoyed learning about where they live and what they like to eat!



In maths we have been revising our learning about money.   We have practised our adding to find totals and this week have started to look at finding change when we buy something in a shop.  Our favourite activity was the shopkeeper game where we got to play the role of a customer or a shopkeeper to find total amounts and give change.


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have been learning lots of information about Africa.  So far we have looked at the types of houses that exist in some African countries and were shown pictures that Mrs Mansfield’s cousin took while she was working there.  We learned that the houses are very different!  There were no windows and that made the houses very dark – we thought that would be quite frightening!  Also, that the houses are made using mud to hold it together – we didn’t think that would be a good idea in Scotland as our houses would fall apart in the rain!  We also realised that we had some things in common with some of the children in Africa.  We looked at stories from 4 African children and they spoke about liking football, helping their mums to cook and that some of them enjoyed maths at school.

We also started learning about some African animals…we look forward to learning more next week!


This week we also loved being able to go to the park for Sports Day.  We had a great time in the sun and were so pleased we could support our friends in their races too.


Achievements this week

  • Sandra won 2 medals at sports day
  • Olivia won a medal at sports day
  • Hannah was pupil of the week
  • Olivia, Jamie, Liam, Alfie B, Rory, Sandra, Brandon and Holly received stickers at sports day
  • Alfie L moved up a level in swimming
  • Brandon won a medal at his football training
  • Hannah got up to level 12 in her swimming lessons
  • Olivia moved up to level 5 in swimming
  • Annie moved up to level 4 in swimming
  • Ruby was first place in her horse-riding race.


We hope that everyone has a great holiday weekend!

(Please note that there is no homework this week to allow everyone to enjoy the holiday – new homework will be issued on Wednesday!)

One thought on “Primary 2b Blog”

  1. You have been very busy! I can’t wait to hear all about your African learning, and I’ll try my best to remember to bring in some photographs as I’m from South Africa and loved going on Safari! 🙂
    Mrs Hay

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