Class G Printing

It was a busy week in class G. We are continuing to type up our articles and carry out our interviews. Don’t worry if we have not seen you yet. We are very busy with the paper and will see you soon. We have also been making planets using balloons and we have been making Mother’s Day cards.  Here is what we have liked this week:


Cameron – I liked swimming lessons.

Jake – I liked my school lunch. It was awesome.


Gabriel – I liked drama. I liked when we were doing the gingerbread man but now we are being sleeping bears in drama.


Logan – I was in the big pool for swimming. It was fun.

David – I did some drawing with Miss Muirhead. I stuck feathers on my picture.


Jayden – I was watching James and the Giant Peach movie. It was great.


Lewis – In drama we are doing wakey wakey sleepy bear. It is good fun.


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