p4b wb 22.2.16

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Rachael: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk on Monday.

Eva and Grace: we enjoyed yoga (Alan the camel) this week.

Daniel, Robbie, Emma and Isla: We liked making a poster about house hold inventions with our co-operative learning groups.

Finn, Baillie and Liam: We enjoyed P.E this week.

Karys, Breanna and Ava: We enjoyed writing this week. We were continuing on the character and setting of our class novel ‘Nelly the Monster Sitter’.

Sophie and Cameron: We enjoyed NYCOS this week. We were learning about rhythm.

Freya: I enjoyed  doing our reading task this week.

Olivia: I enjoyed doing drama games this week.

Kelsey, James, Demi and Lucy R: We liked when Daniel Dillon came in on Thursday.

Lucy M: I enjoyed R.E- we were learning about the seasons.

Millie: I liked gathering this week.







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