
What we have been learning this week:

  • Drama – We have been auditioning for the P7 panto. We will find out out parts next week. Cinders will be performed in January.
  • Writing – We have been learning how to write a good ending to a story. We read a story about a young child who lived in London during the war. We had to write an interesting ending to the story. A good ending must link back to the opening, describe the thoughts and feelings of the character and solve all the problems. Also, to make it interesting we had to either end with a cliffhanger, a twist or a sequel.
  • Modern Languages – In French this week we have been learning the days of the week and months of the year. We can now tell Miss Elliot the date in French. We have also been learning different the names for different colours. As we have been learning about WW2, we wanted to learn some German. Miss Elliot has taught us how to count to 10 and say our name.
  • Reading – We are continuing to read the Boy in Striped Pyjamas. This week we have been focussing on describing the characters in the story based on what we have read so far and discussing how the author creates different atmospheres in the story.
  • Maths – This week the pentagons have been continuing to mental multiplication strategies including adjusting numbers. The Hexagons and Octagons have worked hard the last two weeks to subtract three and four digit numbers mentally. The Decahedrons have worked hard on adding 3 digit numbers.



Class Dojo: Carter and Jamie

Pupil of the Week: Sophie W


Article 28: Right to an Education

3 thoughts on “P7a”

  1. Another Balbardie production coming soon!!…… Cinders!! We are looking forward to it already and we all know that you lot can certainly put on a show after your great efforts with Olivia! 😀

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