Classes G, M and O review of the week

Classes O, G and M wrote the blog together this week. It was nice to listen to some people from other classes telling us about ther week. Below are some of the comments we made.

Caitlin – I have been learning about summaries in literacy. Out and About was to the park. Aiden was hanging upside down. I enjoy swimming with Dawn. I enjoy doing PE with Mr Jeffries.

Adam – I was spinning around that fast at the park I almost made a hole in the ground. It was fun.

Joe – We were all soaking wet at the park and I played with Adam on the bouncy thing with the seats. We changed into our PE clothes and stayed like this until taxi time.

Jayden – We were building a tower at Activity time. We learnt about “what happens next” with Miss Garland.

Aiden – We went to the park for Out and About. I was hanging upside down like a monkey. The grass and sky were the wrong way round.

Jamie – At the park for PE I tried everything. It was funny on the bouncy see-saw when Mrs O’Neill got stuck and I went shooting in the air.

Cody – We went to the park for PE. My favourite thing was pplaying tig because you had to climb and jump over things which made it interesting.

Cameron – I really enjoyed te park at PE because there was lots to do. I liked the spinny thing where you had to hang on and spin.

Dylan – I did the front crawl today at swimming. I liked it this week because we got the bus!

Yolie – In class O I have been playing with plastacine.

Callum – I enjoyed swimming today, it was really fun. I floated on my back for a very long time.

Liam – I have been swimming today, I got a little hole in my swim socks. I got a bus to swimming today I thought this was not good because it was a nice sunny day.

This week in class G it was Lewis’s birthday and we had a party for him. We played musical bumps, pass the parcel and musical statues.

Lewis – I opened my present. I never had a birthday cake but I had sweets, crisps and juice. I won a game and my prize was some bubbles.

Gabriel – We were having fun at Lewis’s Party. I got some bubbles when I got a prize. It was terrific and I really, really liked the prize I got. I liked joining in all of the games.   I liked musical bumps.

David – I sang Happy Birthday to Lewis.

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