Another busy week in P2b

What another busy week we have been having in Primary 2b!

Our topic has progressed in lots of different ways this week and we have enjoyed learning about visual impairments. We heard the story of a little boy called Theo who was partially blind. We learned about ways in which his school life has been adapted and also tried our best at writing in Braille and drawing with our eyes closed. We have also been investigating the sense of hearing this week and now understand how sound is created! We have completed lots of practical investigations to test our sense of hearing, our favourite being ‘Don’t clap this one back’. Mrs Mansfield won the game this time but we are practising using our sense of hearing so that we can win next time!

In maths we have been learning all about number houses and the families that live in each house! We know that each family has a daddy, mummy and baby number and understand how we can use these to create four number sentences for each family! This is helping us to understand number bonds and know that 3+2 is the same as 2+3. We are really looking forward to investigating different number bonds next week! In practical maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and how they appear in the world around us. We split into groups to investigate one shape and then presented our findings to the rest of the class.

Highlights of this week include: Mrs Mansfield playing toilet tig with us in outdoor PE, Don’t Clap this one back, learning colours in British Sign Language, practising our French conversation, getting new reading books and jumping around the class on our maths number line.

A huge well done goes out to our star of the week, Jamie. Jamie has shown a very mature attitude towards his learning this week and has contributed well in class discussions. We can’t wait to see who next week’s star is going to be!!

Primary 2b

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