Class G

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We have had a fun week. This week we have been learning about doctors. We made life sized doctors by drawing around each other. We have been working hard in reading, writing and maths. We have been learning about sequencing stories. This week was our first swimming session this term. It was great fun. Everyone enjoyed having fun in the little pool and having lessons in the big pool. Here is what we enjoyed this week.

David: I liked playing with the pennies in maths.

Gabriel: I had to lay down on a piece of paper and Mrs McNeill drew around me to make our doctor.

Jayden: I liked painting Dr Ranj.

Lewis: I liked playing Mickey Mouse Club House with Liam and Gabriel in the playground.

Jake: I liked swimming.

Logan: I liked swimming. I liked it when we were swimming in the little pool.


3 thoughts on “Class G”

  1. Hi Class G!
    It looks like you have been having lots of fun. I hope you are all enjoying being back at school.

    I have emailed you some photos of Dubai to have a look it. Have a look and see if you think Dubai is the same as, or different to Scotland.

    Miss Barrie

  2. I really enjoyed our first swimming lesson too. It was great to see everyone trying hard in the big pool.
    Mr Jeffries has also told me how well everyone is doing at PE.
    Keep up the good work class G.

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