P1L Transition Day

On Wednesday P1 spent the day in their new P2 classroom. Below are some comments about what they enjoyed.


“I enjoyed making a picture” (Cameron).

“I liked making a robot, giving him a name and hearing a story about a robot” (Keilija).

“I made a rainbow fish” (Liam).

“I enjoyed drawing fish with my fingers and paint. Also making my own tiara” (Brooke).

“I enjoyed writing” (Charlotte from the nursery).

“I enjoyed making a rainbow fish” (Brandon).

“I liked meeting Miss McDougall” (Mia, Brooke and Shelbi).

“I liked lunchtime and playtime, writing and rainbow fish” (Charlotte).

“I liked seeing Miss Boyle and playing with the toys” (Jackie).

One thought on “P1L Transition Day”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    I am so pleased to hear that you all enjoyed visiting your P2 classes on Wednesday. It sounds like you did lots of fun activities during the day. I know you are all going to be brilliant P2’s and I’m looking forward to hearing all about how well you are all doing.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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