Belgium update 3

Hello from a sunny and warm Blankenberge. 🙂

Last night we enjoyed a dinner of soup, roast turkey, potatoes, carrots and creme caramel for dessert. We then journeyed to the beach for more fun and devoured loads of waffles, ice cream, candy floss and frites.

Today we have travelled into Holland where we met the clogmaker Boyd who gave us a demonstration of traditional clog-making and also modern machinery. We visited his gift shop and he kindly engraved little clogs for us to bring home. We can’t wait to give you them!

After lunch we visited Sun Park De Haan and had a great time on the different flumes, wave pool, jacuzzis and river rapids. It was a fantastic afternoon.

Hope everyone is well back home. We’re enjoying reading your comments.

12 thoughts on “Belgium update 3”

  1. Sounds as though you’re having lots of great food and that you had fun at the Sunpark de Haan and the clogmaker. Hope the visit to the Menin Gate goes well tomorrow – enjoy your waffles and frites tonight x

  2. Sounds like you are having an amazing time. So jealous of the warm, sunny weather as it is rainy and cold here in Bathgate. The Sun Park sounds great fun.I love to visit waterparks when I am on holiday.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip and don’t eat too many waffles!

    From Mrs McLean

  3. Another fun packed day. Glad the weather is holding up for you all. Callum is missing his big brother Cameron loads and is counting the days till he comes home bless. Enjoy your night and tomorrow. Xxx

  4. Glad your having a fab time, sounds like a great swimming pool. We are pleased your getting such nice weather it’s not so nice here. Xx

  5. Glad your weather is nicer than it is here 🙂 Sounds like you are all having a great time! Can’t believe you are half way through the week already. Enjoy all the war things tomorrow xxx

  6. Hi,sounds like you all have had a great time looking forward to seeing you back on Saturday enjoy the rest of the trip x

  7. Sounds like you are having such a great time. Glad the weather is better for you than back home. Enjoy your day tomorrow. Your sisters are missing you Liam & Keira keeps asking when her big bro will be home, mum & dad are also missing you, it’s so quiet lol. X

  8. I’m pleased everyone is having a good time, photo s are good too, glad your weather is good, our weather is horrible here. Looking forward to seeing Chloe’s pictures

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