This week we have been learning how magic e changes the vowel sound in words. Mrs Gallagher introduced us to Walter the Wizard who is going to help us to read and spell words with magic e.
We have been working hard on rehearsals for our p2 show and had our first whole run through yesterday. Our homework task is to design a backdrop to be displayed during the show. Mrs Innes will be picking the winning designs next week.
For our Castles topic we have been learning about The Stirling Heads in Stirling Castle. These are wooden carvings of kings, queens and historical people which have been restored and are displayed on a ceiling in Stirling Castle. We used these as a stimulus to create our own portraits. We learned how to draw eyes, nose and mouth correctly and Mrs Gallagher is very pleased with our finished work. They will be displayed outside our classroom, please come and take a look.
Well done to Kiara who achieved our rights respecting award for last month for always being kind and respectful and to Gemma for achieving the award for p2 pupil of the month in drama. Gemma has worked really hard on her solo performance for the p2 show and has shown great confidence in singing on stage.
Hi Primary 2g,
Walter the Wizard sounds like a great way for you to be learning about magic e. I’m looking forward to seeing how he helps you remember this. Your self portraits are brilliant and I was very impressed with how well you had all done with these. It was great to see Mrs Waddell visiting this morning and receiving the beautiful cards you made for her. I know she is looking forward to seeing you all in Honey as an I. Keep up the good work, everyone.
Miss Henderson