A special letter for p2bg

This week we received a special letter. The letter was from a knight called Nicholas who wants to help us to learn about castles. Nicholas is going to set us challenges to complete and has promised us that if we complete the challenges we will be rewarded with a banquet.
Our first challenge was to learn about the job of a knight and to make a coat of arms to reflect our family. We learned that in medieval times boys would start their training to become a knight aged 7 or 8. This job was called a page. A page had lots of things to learn including how to carve meat and serve food, how to hunt with birds of prey, how to use a sword, how to play chess, how to read and write, how to dance and how to ride a horse. They also had to learn good manners. We are going to be rewarded with extra dojo points when we use good manners in class.
We made our own family coat of arms which showed things we enjoy, things we are good at or things we would like to achieve in our lives. Some of us also included our family names on the coat of arms.
We think we have successfully completed our first challenge and look forward to seeing what Nicholas wants us to do next. 🙂

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