This week looked at mental maths strategy. We practised number doubles. Knowing number doubles can help us get fast at maths. We played a card game. We had to pick a card then double the number. Snakes and ladders was fast this week because we doubled each dice number. This made the game twice as fast. Jamie won the game. We all had fun.
Class 2 learned about compound words. We got so good at making compound words that by Friday we knew lots we could paint. We had fun guessing our friends words. Compound words are when we put two small words together to make a new word. example light+house=lighthouse
Our new topic is called Being Cool in School. Lesson 1 helped us to understand that everyone has feelings. We can respond to these feelings in different ways.
Jamie: Art is starting to get really good.
Aiden: I am good at doing good behaviour.
Dylan: Class 1 are learning about Scotland. I was able to tell them interesting facts about Robert Burns because Class 2 found out facts last term. It is good to pass on learning.
It sounds like you had a super week Class 2.
I agree Dylan, it is very good to pass on learning. I am coming to class 2 on Thursday. Can you pass on some of your learning to me then?
Hi Class 2,
WOW! You have and a very busy week in school. Being Cool in School is one of my favourite topics. You will learn lots from Kit, Jen and Tom as you do more work on being cool in school. I’m looking forward to hearing all about your learning. Well done, Aiden on being good at good behaviour. Dylan, your writing this week was fabulous and I enjoyed reading all about the three craws. Thank you for sharing it with me.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone.
Miss Henderson
Hi it sounds like you have been very busy doing your maths well done:)