
Another week done!

We all deserve a rest this weekend because everyone has worked really hard in P5 this week.

Pupil of the week – Carter W

Table of the week – Minions

Maths –

We have been working really hard to identify the strategies we use when doing mental maths calculations. We have all found this a bit tricky.

Lily – This is really hard but I think I am getting better at talking through the strategies I use.

Ray – I am finding it easier to find the missing number in my sums because we talk a lot about different strategies and I know what ones I need to use.


We have used our topic as a focus for our writing this week

Eve – We wrote a letter to a nobleman about the death of Alexander III. I think the Scottish Wars of Independence is a really good topic.

Kerry – I enjoyed making a wanted poster for William Wallace.


We all made posters on the theme of friendship. We focussed on words associated with what a good friend is.

We all wrote a post-it note about what happiness is . Here are some of our contributions –

Lucy – Happiness is …..

the smell of a cake                                                                                                          a friend                                                                                                                             love                                                                                                                                        a box of chocolates

Catherine – Happiness is ….

teachers                                                                                                                    laughing                                                                                                                    singing                                                                                                                             family

We have all had a great week although we are sad that we have come to the end of our class novel Gangsta Granny. On the bright side we will start Billionnaire Boy next week.

3 thoughts on “P5d”

  1. Hi 5d,

    I am interested in hearing about your maths work. It always amazes me how people can arrive at the same answer in maths but get there in entirely different ways. Are you finding this in your mental maths work?

    Mrs Spence

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