Wow! P3/2 have been busy working hard at home on their Sports Centre projects. Everyone has been bringing them in to school this week and Mrs Laidlaw and Mrs Mitchell have been amazed at the quality, detail and effort all pupils have put in to their models. A huge thank you to everyone! Mrs Laidlaw will be posting some of the videos the children made about thier projects this week so watch this space! P3/2 are wondering if Mr Welsh would like the football gingerbread men….. an Edinburgh league game with an interesting result!
I have sneaked a peak at a few of these in the class and WOW – they are looking brilliant! Well done boys and girls 🙂 Fantastic work.
-Miss Wilson
I had great fun making my football pitch!!!
Grace p3/2
Hi Primary 3/2,
I was very impressed with all of your Sports Centre projects when I visited your class this week. You have all worked really hard to add detail and this has meant they are all of a fantastic quality. Well done, everyone. I wonder what Mr Welsh will think of the gingerbread men football team score:)
Have a lovely holiday.
Miss Henderson
I think I need to know more about this gingerbread football score! I’m delighted you enjoyed making your football pitch Grace – I am just wondering how realistic it is? I’ll come tomorrow to find out more!
I am really looking forward to seeng your videos and am so pleased you have enjoyed so much of your learning this term.
Well done P3/2!