Class 2

Well, as promised, here is the Class 2’s M&D visit blog post.

It was great. The dodgems were very popular but Mrs Clark wonders if she will need to start driving lessons in Class 2. What a lot of crashes!

The train and ladybirds looked much safer. The driving skills were improving as the day progressed

***MAGIC*** The magicians at M&D’s knew that picking children from Class 2 would help their show.

Yes, that is a live rabbit Dylan has made appear.

….and the day ended with a big splash as the children came down the water slides. Can you guess who choose which slide.

11 thoughts on “Class 2”

  1. Wow Dylan, I didn’t realise you were so great at magic! It’s lovely to see these pictures and remember how much fun everyone had. Thank you for sharing these.

  2. I hope you all had a great time.m&d is AMAZING and the rides look rely fun. Did you get wet in the water slide ?. You all seem pretty good at magic from Laura p6m -:)

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