What have we been learning about?

Dean: I enjoyed writing the race and it helped me learn about adjectives and description.

Rabeea: I’ve enjoyed practising times tables and winning table of the week. We are improving our speed and accuracy in times tables.

Luke: We’ve been learning about times tables because we’ll need to use them in the future for lots of different things.

Zenaib: Everything has been great this week, especially maths and writing.

Christopher S: Writing out all of my times tables has helped me learn them.

Louise: I enjoyed when Mr Welsh took our class and we did a wordsearch challenge and I enjoyed working together with my table even though it was tricky.

Callum; I enjoyed everything this week, especially writing my story.

Jane: I liked writing about The Race and it was good to learn more about how to use descriptive words.

Who has impressed?

Isla: Mr Berginis impressed me with his drumming skills at assembly!

Sam: Josh has impressed me by keeping up his good behaviour.

Christopher A: I’m also impressed with Josh because he has managed not to move down our traffic light system.

Freya: I’m impressed with Dean winning pupil of the week for making a great start to p7.

Abbie: Taylor impressed me by beating her best score on Big Maths Beat That.

Alexander: Christopher S has impressed me by getting five stickers onto his chart already!

Taylor: Abbie has impressed me by beating her best score on Big Maths by 20 points!

Rabeea: Mr Berginis impressed me with his drumming and it was really funny to watch.

Louise: I’m impressed by everybody in the class because everybody has been working hard to earn so many table points.

Mr Berginis: I’m very impressed with how wonderful the class has been at supporting their p1 buddies.

One thought on “OUR WEEK IN P7b”

  1. Well done P7b on such a positive start to the school year. I was extremely impressed by your hard work and team work when I was with you on Thursday afternoon. Keep up the excellent start you have all made to P7.

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