
This has been an extremely busy week.

On Monday we had a special treat as Hibs Football Players Alan Maybury and Andy Kirk came along to teach us football skills. We had great fun even though the weather decided it was going to be cold and dull!

Our bowling was cancelled but we got to go on the ‘Giant Walking bus’ instead. We had to come up with a logo very quickly and we all decided that Cameron’s logo was fantastic – ‘You Speed, We Bleed!’

This week we learnt about the digestive system and on Thursday we did an experiment to see how the digestive system works. It was  ‘gross’, ‘disgusting’, ‘cool’, ‘sick’ ‘amazing’ and ‘minted’ depending on who’s view you listened to ! We all had great fun though. We had to make the best poo in our groups but Mrs. Ghafoor couldn’t decide on a winning entry so there were five joint first places!

Can you decide?!

One thought on “P4a”

  1. Hi Primary 4a,

    It sounds like you have had a very interesting week. I’m pleased that you enjoyed your training session with Alan and Andy and the Giant Walking Bus. I’m not sure that I would have enjoyed your digestive system work as it sounds yucky! The pictures show that you all had fun though:)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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