An enjoyable week for p2lg

This week we have been very busy and have enjoyed a variety of things. On Tuesday everyone attended the Golden Club event. We had lots of fun. Below you will see some pictures of us doing the Conga!


On Wednesday afternoon we were invited to join p5 for their party. We had fun hour playing games with our buddies in p5.

Another enjoyable activty this week was our art lesson. We looked at Aboriginal art from Australia and created our own pictures of turtles in the style of Aboriginal art. We enjoyed using the cotton buds to paint instead of paintbrushes.

Pupil of the week this week was Rory. He made Mrs Gallagher smile at Circle Time when he said that if he had a wish from a genie he would wish for flowers for his mum. Mrs Gallagher thought that was really kind. He also did a super piece of aboriginal art work too. A great week for Rory šŸ™‚

Next week is Fitness Fortnight, remember to beĀ dressedĀ for sports activities Monday -Thursday. Sports day is on Wednesday, let’s hope ths sun comes out for us.

One thought on “An enjoyable week for p2lg”

  1. Hi Primary 2lg,

    The photos of you enjoying the conga at the Golden Club event look great. It was a fun afternoon:). Well done, Rory on being Pupil of the Week. Your wish for the genie was really lovely and I’m sure your mum would love to get some flowers. I’m looking forward to seeing your Aboriginal artwork as it sounds lovely. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for sunshine on Wednesday so that Sports Day can go ahead safely.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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