A very special café visit.

On Tuesday Class 3 had a very special trip to Lanna’s café. We were saying goodbye to Jason and wishing him good luck at his new school. Before we went we each made him a good luck card.

Josh – I made my card to look like a Creeper because I know Jason likes Minecraft.

Geordie – I made a Cineworld card, Jason really likes cinemas.

Aidan – My card was designed to look like Steve from Minecraft with a diamond axe mining a tree. It had an emerald on the inside.

At the café we were all very pleased to see Jason. We each ordered a snack and a drink.

We all sat round the table together and chatted.

Aidan – It was really touching to see Jason and I would like to do it again sometime.

We talked about what we’d been doing since he left.

Geordie – I am really sad that Jason left to go to another school. It was good to see him on Tuesday.

Josh – It was nice that we were together with Jason again.

After we had eaten we each went to the counter to pay Lanna.

Miss Waddell and Mrs Stewart were very proud of us for being such good friends and giving Jason a great send off.

3 thoughts on “A very special café visit.”

  1. I’m glad you all enjoyed our trip to the cafe. I thought it was very thoughtful of you all to design your thank-you cards with Jason’s favourite things. I think he liked them very much.

  2. From Jason Davidson

    Hello Class 3 and I Love u People because u make me proud.

    Do more of these Blogs in the future.
    I will comment

    See ya Class 3 and balbardie.

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