Profile week in P7b

Profile Week has been a little bit different for us in P7 this week as we have been focusing on writing very important profiles of ourselves which will be passed up to our high school. These profiles will help our new teachers get to know us and how we prefer to learn. It will also give them an insight into our achievements and awards and what we feel are our next steps.

It has been very interesting reflecting on ourselves and our time at Balbardie and we’ve had to be very honest about everything. Here are some examples of the comments in our profiles…

Eve: “I think I’m a good team member but sometimes it depends who is in my group with me.”

Amber: “I prefer learning by interacting in activities because I sometimes get bored and forget what we are learning when we just talk about it.”

Rhona: “When I work in a team I try to help and I’d like to improve my skills even more so I can give my team-mates better ideas.”

Murray: “I prefer learning by seeing things because it helps it stick in my mind. I also work well in a group because when you work together you have more chance of getting the task done.”

Aisha: “I sometimes find mental maths hard and I prefer to see the sum. I know most of my times tables though.”

John: “I’m proud of getting into the school football team and my time at Balbardie has been fun and a laugh.”

Abbie Ma.: “Sometimes I work best on my own but other times with a partner or group. It depends what I am doing. I’m a little chatty at times but most of the time I focus on the task.”

Sian: “My time at Balbardie has been great and when I’ve needed help the teachers have always been there for me.”

Dylan: “I prefer learning by doing things and hearing things but sometimes I get distracted. I never give up trying to get better though.”



One thought on “Profile week in P7b”

  1. I am looking forward to reading your profiles next week P7b. It’s great to read the strengths you have and how much you’ve enjoyed being at Balbardie.

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